
Legal Definition and Related Resources of Owner

Meaning of Owner

The person who is beneficially entitled to a right . However, the term is frequently added to denote a person who is beneficially entitled to a corporeal thing such as land, chattels , goods , animals, etc. The term also has the extended meaning of denoting the person who has the domin-ion or control over a thing although the title to the same may be in another, such as a conditional sales purchaser . The term also has the extended meaning of a person whose right to a thing is short of entire beneficial ownership such as a lessee for a term of years .

Owner Alternative Definition

He who has dominion of a thing, real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, which he has a right to enjoy and do with as he pleases, even to spoil or destroy it, as far as the law permits, unless he be prevented by some agreement or covenant which restrains his right. 31 Cal. 649. The term has no exact technical meaning. Hare, Am. Const. Law, 355. As applied to lands, it has been said to include all who had an interest therein, though it fall short of ownership of the fee. (38 Mich. 171; 2 Ohio St. 114), and it has been applied both to the holder of the legal title (6 Hun [N. Y.] 553) and of an equitable estate (21 Minn. 107). In like manner, as applied to personalty, it has been held to include one having a temporary right of possession. 44 Conn. 298. Such persons are ordinarily designated as special owner, in contradistinction from general owner, in whom is the full title. See 10 Cush. (Mass.) 399; 50 Mich. 249.

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Owner in Historical Law

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Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms

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Concept of Owner in the context of Real Property

A short definition of Owner: One who has the rights of ownership.See: Ownership.

Concept of Owner in the context of Real Property

A short definition of Owner: One who has the rights of ownership.See: Ownership.







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