Electric Utility Company

Legal Definition and Related Resources of Electric Utility Company

Meaning of Electric Utility Company

Any company which owns or operates facilities used for the generation. transmission , or distribution of electric energy for sale, other than sale to tenants or employees of the company operating such facilities for their own use and not for resale. The commission , upon application, shall by order declare a company operating any such facilities not to be an electric utility company if the Commission finds that (A) such company is primarily engaged in one or more businesses other than the business of an electric utility company, and by reason of the small amount of electric energy sold by such company it is not necessary in the public interest or for the protection of investors or consumers that such company be considered an electric utility company for the purposes of this chapter , or (B) such company is one operating within a single state , and substantially all of its outstanding securities are owned directly or indirectly by another company to which such operating company sells or furnishes electric energy which it generates; such other company uses and does not resell such electric energy, is engaged primarily in manufacturing(otherthan the manufacturing of electric energy or gas) and is not controlled by any other company; and by reason of the small amount of electric energy sold or furnished by such operating company to other persons it is not necessary in the public interest or for the protection of investors or consumers that it be considered an electric utility company for the purposes of this chapter. The filing of an application hereunder in good faith shall exempt such company (and the owner of the facilities operated by such company) from the application of this paragraph until the Commission has acted upon such application. As a condition to the entry of any such order, and as a part thereof, the Commission may require application to be made periodically for a renewal of such order, and may require the filing of such periodic or special reports regarding the business of the company as the Commission may find necessary or appropriate to insure that such company continues to be entitled to such exemption during the period for which such order is effective. The Commission, upon its own motion or upon application, shall revoke such order whenever it finds that the conditions specified in clause (A) or (B) of this paragraph are not satisfied in the case of such company. Any action of the Commission under the preceding sentence shall be by order. Application under this paragraph may be made by the company in respect of which the order is to be issued or by the owner of the facilities operated by such company. Any order issued under this paragraph shall apply equally to such company and such owner. The Commission may by rules or regulations conditionally or unconditionally provide that any specified class or classes of companies which it determines to satisfy the conditions specified in clause (A) or (B) of this paragraph, and the owners of the facilities operated by such companies, shall not be deemed electric utility companies within the meaning of this paragraph. 15 U.S.C. §79 (b)(3).

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