Legal Definition and Related Resources of Labor
Meaning of Labor
Work; toil; service . The term has been used in a variety of contexts but broadly it encompasses physical or mental labor or in combination of the two. state v Duluth board of trade , 121 N. W. 395, 107 Minn. 506. Also sometimes used as synonymous with employment, job or position. See Nelsen Const. Co. v Lander, 253 N. W.2d 849, 198 Neb. 533.
Labor Alternative Definition
Continued operation; work; manual work. The act’ of doing what requires a painful exertion of strength; pains; toil; work to be done; work done; performance; exercise; motion with some degree of violence; childbirth; travail. 2 Ohio St. 400. Biddle’s Lexicon.
Synonyms of Labor
(Exertion), noun
- discipline
- effort
- endeavor
- energy
- enterprise
- industry
- mental toil
- pains
- strain
- strife
(Work), noun
- advocation
- assignment
- calling
- craft
- duty
- employ
- employment
- job
- line of business
- line of work
- occupation
- profession
- pursuit
- responsibility
- task
- toil
- trade
- undertaking
- vocation
- Associated Concepts: boycotts
- closed shop
- collective bargaining
- labor arbitration
- labor dispute
- labor organization
- labor relations
- labor union
- lockout
- open shop
- scope of employment
- skilled labor
- strikes
- terms and conditions of employment
- union labor
- union shop
- wildcat strike
- workmen’s compensation
- apply oneself
- attend to business
- be diligent
- be employed
- be industrious
- contendere
- devote oneself to
- do a job
- do work
- drudge
- endeavor
- engage in
- exercise
- exert energy
- exert oneself
- follow one’s vocation
- laborare
- plod
- plug away
- ply
- ply one’s trade
- strain
- strive
- struggle
- toil
- travail
- work
- work hard
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Labor in Historical Law
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Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms
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Mentioned in these terms
Administrative Tribunals, Affecting Commerce, Agricultural Labor, Arbitration, Bargain In Good Fait, Bargaining Unit, , Blacklist, Business, Cardholder, Collective Bargaining, Concerted Activity, Conciliation, Contractor, Contractor’s Bond, Contractor’s Lien, Cooling Time, , Emblements, Employer, Engage, Fabricate, Goods, Hengen, , Inclosure, Income, Industrial, Labor Agreement, Labor Dispute, Major Dispute, Manual Labor, Master And Servant, Minor Dispute, N.I.r.b, Partner, Partnership, Pensioner, Product, Profession, Reasonable Cause, Retail, Sabotage, , Secondary Boycott, Servage, Severance Pay, Strike, Supervisor, Tithes, Trade Union, Travail.
You might be interested in these references tools:
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Labor in the Dictionary | Labor in our legal dictionaries | Browse the Legal Thesaurus | Find synonyms and related words of Labor |
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Legal Answers (Q&A) | A community-driven knowledge creation process, of enduring value to a broad audience |
Related topics | Labor in the World Encyclopedia of Law |
This definition of Labor is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . This entry needs to be proofread.
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Labor Market in the Economic Activity
An introductory concept of Labor Market may be: the market in which labor services are bought and sold
Labor Definition (in the Accounting Vocabulary)
The New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants offers the following definition of Labor in a way that is easy for anybody to understand: Physical or mental effort; work.
Concept of Labor in the context of Real Property
Alternatives definitions of Labor: (1) Work as opposed to materials. (2) A land measure of 177 1/7 acres. Used in Mexico.
Concept of Labor in the context of Real Property
Alternatives definitions of Labor: (1) Work as opposed to materials. (2) A land measure of 177 1/7 acres. Used in Mexico.
This term is a noun.
Etimology of Labor
(You may find labor at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms).
c. 1300, “a task, a project” (such as the labors of Hercules); later “exertion of the body; trouble, difficulty, hardship” (late 14c.), from Old French labor “toil, work, exertion, task; tribulation, suffering” (12c., Modern French labeur), from Latin labor “toil, exertion; hardship, pain, fatigue; a work, a product of labor,” a word of uncertain origin. Some sources venture that it could be related to labere “to totter” on the notion of “tottering under a burden,” but de Vaan finds this unconvincing. The native word is work. Meaning “body of laborers considered as a class” (usually contrasted to capitalists) is from 1839; for the British political sense see labour. Sense of “physical exertions of childbirth” is attested from 1590s, short for labour of birthe (early 15c.); the sense also is found in Old French, and compare French en travail “in (childbirth) suffering” (see travail). Labor Day was first marked 1882 in New York City. The prison labor camp is attested from 1900. Labor-saving (adj.) is from 1776. Labor of love is by 1797.
Legal English Vocabulary: Labor and Employment in Spanish
Online translation of the English legal term labor and employment into Spanish: TRABAJO Y EMPLEO (English to Spanish translation) . More about legal dictionary from english to spanish online.
Related to the Legal Thesaurus
Definition of Labor
In relation to social issues, a meaning of labor is provided here: the physical and mental exertion that human beings put into production activities.
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