Legal Definition and Related Resources of Fabricate
Meaning of Fabricate
To invent; to devise falsely. To fabricate a story implies that it is so contrary to probability as to require the skill of the workman to induce belief in it. To fabricate evidence is to arrange or manufacture circumstances, after the fact committed, with the purpose of using them as evidence. Word fabricate within purview of sales and use tax statute imposing tax on fabrication of labor , means , inter alia , to construct by assembly necessary parts and components. A. S. Schulman Elec. Co. v state Bd. of Equalization, 122 Cal. Rptr. 278, 49 C.A.3d 180.
Synonyms of Fabricate
(Construct), verb
- assemble parts
- bring into being
- bring into existence
- build
- call into being
- cast
- cause to be
- cause to exist
- complete
- compose
- create
- devise
- erect
- establish
- execute
- fabrican
- fashion
- form
- generate
- make
- manufacture
- mold
- organize
- piece together
- produce
- put together
- set up
- shape
- structure
- turn out
(Make up), verb
- be untruthful
- beguile
- counterfeit
- deceive
- delude
- devise falsely
- dissemble
- dissimulate
- distort
- fake
- falsify
- feign
- fictionalize
- forswear
- invent
- lie
- misguide
- misinform
- mislead
- misrepresent
- misstate
- palter
- perjure oneself
- pretend
- prevaricate
- sham
- stretch the truth
- tell a falsehood
- tell a lie
- trump up Associated Concepts: fabricated evidence
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Fabricate in Historical Law
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