Legal Definition and Related Resources of Decision
Meaning of Decision
A judgment or decree or order pronounced by a court in settlement of a controversy submitted to it. Act of deciding or settling a dispute or question by giving the judgment; the act of making up one’s mind; a judgment or conclusion reached or given; a determination . Hankenson v board of Ed., 134 N.E.2d 356, 10/ll.App.2d79.
Decision Alternative Definition
In practice. A judgment given by a competent tribunal. The French lawyers call the opinions which they give on questions propounded to them, decisions. See Inst. 1. 2. 8; Dig. 1. 2. 2.
Synonyms of Decision
- adjudgment
- adjudication
- arbitrament
- arbitrium
- conclusion
- declaration
- decree
- decretum
- deliberate choice
- determination
- dictation
- diiudicatio
- finding
- judgment
- opinion
- order
- pronouncement by a court
- resolution
- ruling
- settlement
- that which is decided
- verdict
- Associated Concepts: administrative decision
- aggrieved by a decision
- appeal from a decision
- arbitrary decision
- avoidance of unneccessary decisions
- award
- capricious decision
- conclusive decision
- court decisions
- decision after trial
- decision against law
- decision by the court
- decision finally determining rights of the parties
- decision of the referee
- decision upon the merits
- decisions and opinions of court
- declaratory judgment
- decree judgment
- discriminatory decision
- final decision
- findings
- interlocutory decision
- judicial decision
- memorandum decision
- opinion
- order
- per curiam decision
- ratio decidendi
- retroactive decision
- stare decisis
- unanimous decision foreign phrases: Respiciendum est judicanti ne quid aut durius aut remissius constituatur quam causa deposcit; nec enim aut severitatis aut clementiaegloria affect anda est
- It is a matter of import to a judge that nothing should be either more leniently or more severely construed than the cause itself demands; for the glory neither of severity nor clemency should be effected
- Judicis est in pronuntiando sequi regulam
- exceptione non probata
- The judge in his decision ought to follow tne rule
- the exception not having been proved
- Judicia posteriora sunt in legefortiora
- The more recent decisions are the stronger in law
- Cum par delictum est duorum
- semper oneratur petitor
- et melior habetur possessoris causa
- Where both parties are equally at fault
- the claimant always has the burden
- and the one in possession has the better cause
- Judices non tenentur exprimere causam sententiae suae
- Judges are not bound to explain the reasons for their sentences
- Judex bonus nihil ex arbitrio suo faciat
- neo proposito domesticae voluntatis
- A good judge should do nothing of his own arbitrary will
- nor on the dictate of his personal wishes
- but should decide according to law and justice
- Judex debet judicare secundum allegata et probata
- A judge ought to decide according to the allegations and the proofs
- A judge ought to decide according to the allegations and the proofs
Related Entries of Decision in the Encyclopedia of Law Project
Browse or run a search for Decision in the American Encyclopedia of Law, the Asian Encyclopedia of Law, the European Encyclopedia of Law, the UK Encyclopedia of Law or the Latin American and Spanish Encyclopedia of Law.
Decision in Historical Law
You might be interested in the historical meaning of this term. Browse or search for Decision in Historical Law in the Encyclopedia of Law.
Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms
Search for legal acronyms and/or abbreviations containing Decision in the Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms Dictionary.
Related Legal Terms
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Mentioned in these terms
Abide, Adjudge, Adjudication, Advisement, Affirm, Award, Bill Of Exceptions, Collusion, Conclusion, Cross-appeal, Determination, Dicta, Dilatory, Dissent, Doubtful Title, Facts In Issue, Final Judgment, Finding, , Issue, Judgment, Judgment On Merits, Judgment Roll, Judicial Notice, , Law Of The Case, Mandate, Memorandum Decision, New Trial, Non-justiciable, Order, Overrule, Penalty, Precedent, Prohibition, Ratio, Recommend, Render, Reports, Resolution, Ruling, Semble, Stake Holder.
Translate Findings of Fact, Conclusions Of Law, and Initial Decision from English to Spanish
Translation of Findings of Fact, Conclusions Of Law, and Initial Decision, with examples. More about free online translation into Spanish of Determinación de hecho, conclusiones de derecho y decisión inicial and other legal terms is available here.
- Determinación de hecho, conclusiones de derecho y decisión inicial
- Legal English Translation
Translate Reverse A Decision from English to Spanish
Translation of Reverse A Decision , with examples. More about free online translation into Spanish of Anular un fallo and other legal terms is available here.
- Anular un fallo
- Legal English Translation
You might be interested in these references tools:
Resource | Description |
Decision in the Dictionary | Decision in our legal dictionaries | Browse the Legal Thesaurus | Find synonyms and related words of Decision |
Legal Maxims | Maxims are established principles that jurists use as interpretive tools, invoked more frequently in international law |
Legal Answers (Q&A) | A community-driven knowledge creation process, of enduring value to a broad audience |
Related topics | Decision in the World Encyclopedia of Law |
This definition of Decision is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . This entry needs to be proofread.
Vocabularies (Semantic Web Information)
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Topic Map | A group of names, occurrences and associations |
Topic Tree | A topic display format, showing the hierarchy |
Sitemap Index | Sitemap Index, including Taxonomies | | The URI of Decision (more about URIs) |
decision in other One-L Dictionary
A judicial or agency determination or tooling made after consideration of the facts and the law
decision from the Washington and Lee University School of Law Dictionary.
Decision in the One-L Dictionary
An authoritative ruling (such as a judgment) that a court makes after a consideration of fact and/or law.
Note: This Decision definition in the One-L Dictionary for new law students is from Harvard Law School (HLS).
English Spanish Translation of Decision
Dictamen, fallo
Find other English to Spanish translations from the Pocket Spanish English Legal Dictionary (print and online), the English to Spanish to English dictionaries (like Decision) and the Word reference legal translator.
Meaning of Decision in the U.S. Legal System
Definition of Decision published by the National Association for Court Management: The judgment reached or given by a court of law.
Meaning of Decision in Spanish
Description/ translation of decision into Spanish: término genérico que incluye tanto las resoluciones interlocutorias (= ruling, order, decree, es decir, autos) como la sentencia que pone fin al proceso (= judgement, es decir, sentencia); conclusive decision: decisión inapelable, irrecurrible[1]
Note: for more information on related terms and on the area of law where decision belongs (criminal procedure law), in Spanish, see here.
Notes and References
- Translation of Decision published by Antonio Peñaranda
Definition of Decision
In relation to social issues, a meaning of decision is provided here: a conclusion or judgment reached after consideration of alternatives.
Decision in Global Commerce Policy
In this regard, decision is: one of the means available to the European Community to enforce its mandate. The entries on trade policy are here. A decision is binding only on those to whom it is addressed. This may be a member state, a single company or an individual. See also European Community legislation.[1]
Decisionin the wold Encyclopedia
For an introductory overview on international trade policy, see this entry.
Notes and References
- Dictionary of Trade Policy, “Decision” entry (OAS)
See Also
Hierarchical Display of Decision
Law > Sources and branches of the law > Source of law > Legislation > Regulation
Law > Sources and branches of the law > Source of law > EU act > Decision (EU)
Meaning of Decision
Overview and more information about Decision
For a more comprehensive understanding of Decision, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of Decision
- Spanish: Decisión
- French: Décision
- German: Entscheidung
- Italian: Decisione
- Portuguese: Decisão
- Polish: Decyzja
Thesaurus of Decision
Law > Sources and branches of the law > Source of law > Legislation > Regulation > Decision
Law > Sources and branches of the law > Source of law > EU act > Decision (EU) > Decision
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