blue and red cargo ship on sea during daytime


Legal Definition and Related Resources of Execution

Meaning of Execution

Completion of an act under authority of the court . The enforcement or effetuation of the judgments or orders of a court. One way of giving effect to a judgment for money is for the judgment creditor to obtain and file a writ of fieri facias which gives the sheriff the authority to seize, with certain basic exemptions, all the assets of the debtor and sell the same in satisfaction of the judgment amount . The term execution creditor refers to a successful litigant who has obtained and filed a writ of fieri facias. The word execution itself means the act done under a writ of execution and not the writ itself, although the word has come to encompass writs of execution. The performance of all acts which may be necessary to render a document complete , namely the signing, sealing and delivery . Muse v Muse, 72 S. E.2d431, 236 N. C. 182. The act of carrying out a sentence of capital punishment lawfully imposed on a prisoner.

Execution Alternative Definition

The accomplishment of a thing; the completion of an act or instrument; the fulfillment of an undertaking. Thus, a contract is executed when the act to be done is performed; a deed is executed when it is signed, sealed, and delivered. In Criminal Law. Putting a convict to death, agreeably to law, in pursuance of his sentence. This is to be performed by the sheriff or his deputy. See 4 Sharswood, Bl. Comm. 403. In Practice. Putting the sentence of the law in force. 3 Bl. Comm. 412. The act of carrying into effect the final judgment or decree of a court. The writ which directs and authorizes the officer to carry into effect such judgment. Final execution is one which authorizes the money due on a judgment to be made out of the property of the defendant. Execution quousque is such as tends to an end, but is not absolutely final; as, for example, a capias ad satisfaciendum, by virtue of which the body of the defendant is taken, to the intent that the plaintiff shall be satisfied his debt, etc., the imprisonment not being absolute, but until he shall satisfy the same. 6 Coke, 87. See Facias.

Financial Definition of Execution

The process of completing an order to buy or sell securities. Once a trade is executed, it is reported by a Confirmation Report; settlement (payment and transfer of ownership) occurs in the U.S. between 1 (mutual funds) and 5 (stocks) days after an order is executed. Settlement times for exchange listed stocks are in the process of being reduced to three days in the U. S.

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Execution in Historical Law

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Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms

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Mentioned in these terms

Attempt, Attestation, Attesting Witness, Closing, Contract, , , Discretion, Enforce, Equitable Execution, Judgment Lien, , , Mental Capacity, Merger, Mesne Process, Pardon, Patrimony, , Probation, Procedure, Quartering, , Renew, Representation, Reprieve, Republication, Respite, Return, Right, , , Satisfaction, Scire Facias, Sequestration, Sheriff, Sheriff Sale, Sledge.


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This term is a noun.

Etimology of Execution

(You may find execution at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms).

late 14c., “a carrying out, a putting into effect; enforcement; performance (of a law, statute, etc.), the carrying out (of a plan, etc.),” from Anglo-French execucioun (late 13c.), Old French execucion “a carrying out” (of an order, etc.), from Latin executionem (nominative executio) “an accomplishing,” noun of action from past participle stem of exequi/exsequi “to follow out” (see execute). Specific sense of “act of putting to death” (mid-14c.) is from Middle English legal phrases such as don execution of deth “carry out a sentence of death.” Literal meaning “action of carrying something into effect” is from late 14c. John McKay, coach of the woeful Tampa Bay Buccaneers (U.S. football team), when asked by a reporter what he thought of his team’s execution, replied, “I think it would be a good idea.” Executor and executioner were formerly used indifferently, because both are carrying out legal orders.


See Also

  • Law Dictionaries.
  • killing.

    Capital Punishment.


  • Execution in Law Enforcement

    Main Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of execution.


    See Also

    • Law Enforcement Officer
    • Policeman
    • Law Enforcement Agency

    Further Reading

    English Legal System: Execution

    In the context of the English law, A Dictionary of Law provides the following legal concept of Execution :

    1. The process of carrying out a sentence of death imposed by a court.

    See also capital punishment.

    2. The enforcement of the rights of a judgment creditor (See also enforcement of judgment). The term is often used to mean the recovery of a debt only, especially by seizure of goods belonging to the debtor under a writ of *fieri facias or a warrant of executio In the case of property not subject to ordinary forms of execution, e.g. an interest under a trust, judgment is enforced by means of *equitable execution.

    3. The completion of the formalities necessary for a written document to become legally valid. In the case of a *deed, for example, this comprises the signing and delivery of the document.

    See also execution of will.





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