Legal Definition and Related Resources of Joint Enterprise
Meaning of Joint Enterprise
An undertaking to carry out a small number of acts or objectives that is entered into by associates under such circumstances that all have an equal voice in directing the conduct of the enterprise. Its essential elements are: 1. an agreement , express or implied , among the group’s members; 2. common purpose that the group intends to carry out; 3. community of pecuniary interest in that purpose among the members; and 4. an equal right to a voice in direction of enterprise, which gives equal right of control . See Bach v liberty Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 152 N.W.2d 911, 36 Wis.2d 72. Not always necessary that there be a pecuniary interest in the enterprise for the term has been also used to denote a community of interest in the use of vehicles by a driver and his passenger . See, e.g., Flagerv Associated Truck Lines Inc., 216 N. W.2d 922, 52 MichApp. 280. The term is normally used in situations where the liability of one of the members of the group is sought to be fastened on the other members of the group since each party has authority , express or implied, to act for all in respect to the control of the means or agencies employed to execute the common purpose. See Oates v Yancey, (Tex. Civ. App.) 426 S. W.2d 594.
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