
Legal Definition and Related Resources of Co-insurance

Meaning of Co-insurance

It is a stipulation in an insurance policy that the insured shall bear such proportion of any loss as the value of the property at risk, in excess of the insurance the reon, shall bear to the amount of the insurance thereon, or to the interest of the insured therein; or, in other words, that the underwriter shall be liable for such proportion only of the property at risk, lost or damaged , as the amount of his insurance may bear to the value of the entire property at risk or the interest of the insurer therein; the insured being held as co-insurer to the extent of any excess value above such insurance. A co-insurance clause is designed to compel the insured, either as self-insurer or otherwise , to carry insurance. L.A. Mot. Ins. Co. v Cawog, 106 Cal. Rptr. 307, 30 C. A.3d378.

What does Co-Insurance mean?

Cost-sharing arrangement between an insured person and the health insurance company in which the insured person is required to pay a percentage of the cost for the health care services received. Coinsurance typically applies after satisfaction of a deductible. For example, 80% coinsurance may apply after a $500 deductible has been satisfied.

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Co-insurance in Historical Law

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Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms

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Hierarchical Display of Co-insurance

Finance > Insurance > Insurance

Meaning of Co-insurance

Overview and more information about Co-insurance

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Translation of Co-insurance

Thesaurus of Co-insurance

Finance > Insurance > Insurance > Co-insurance

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