
Legal Definition and Related Resources of Tail

Meaning of Tail

An estate in tail was a mode of keeping property in the direct lineal descendants of an ancestor . A freehold of inheritance gifted to a person and the heirs of his body, general or special, male or female , so that if the donee dies without leaving descendants answering to the condition annexed to the estate on its creation, it reverted to the remainder man or the reversioner . Similar to a series of life estates except that a tenant in tail could bar the entail and also was not liable to impeachment for waste unless he was a tenant after the possibility of his having issue had become extinct. An estate in tail was created by a grant or devise to the donee followed by the term heirs or heirs of the body . It was said to be tail female when it was limited to the donee and the female heirs of his or her body. Was said to be tail male when it was limited to the donee and the male heirs of his or her body. Was said to be tail special if it was limited to the donee and the heirs of his body and his named wife so that if the named wife were to die and he were to remarry and beget issues through his second wife, such issue will not inherit . In other cases it was a tail general. In most jurisdictions, either by statute or judicial pronouncements, estate tails are no longer recognized. See Entail.

Tail Alternative Definition

See Estates.

Financial Definition of Tail

(1) The difference between the average price in Treasury auctions and the stopout price. (2) A future money market instrument (one available some period hence) created by buying an existing instrument and financing the initial portion of its life with a term repo. (3) The extreme end under a probability curve. (4) The odd amount in a MBS pool.

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Tail in Historical Law

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Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms

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This definition of Tail is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . This entry needs to be proofread.

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Etimology of Tail

(You may find tail at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms).

limitation of ownership, a legal term, early 14c. in Anglo-French; late 13c. in Anglo-Latin, in most cases a shortened form of entail.



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