
Legal Definition and Related Resources of Republic

Meaning of Republic

A commonwealth ; a form of government that has no monarch, where the administration of the government is carried on by elected representatives.

Republic Alternative Definition

A commonwealth; thkt form of government in which the administration of affairs is open to all the citizens. In another sense, it signifies the state, independently of its form of government. 1 Toullier, Dr. Civ. n. 28, and n. 202, note.

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This definition of Republic is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . This entry needs to be proofread.

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Republic in Voting Law

Definition of Republic in the context of the United States election law: Form of state where the head of state’s office is not family inherited – as opposed to a monarchy – but is occupied by a common citizen on a fixed temporary term. The incumbent is normally elected by the people, either by direct vote or in an indirect manner by members of parliament who have been popularly elected. Today, most countries of the world are republics. The different forms of government or political regimes within a republic can be mainly classified as parliamentary or presidential systems. In a parliamentary system, the head of executive is usually a prime minister elected from the parliament. In a presidential system, the president who is elected in a general election is the head of the executive.

Republic in Voting Law

Definition of Republic in the context of the United States election law: Form of state where the head of state’s office is not family inherited – as opposed to a monarchy – but is occupied by a common citizen on a fixed temporary term. The incumbent is normally elected by the people, either by direct vote or in an indirect manner by members of parliament who have been popularly elected. Today, most countries of the world are republics. The different forms of government or political regimes within a republic can be mainly classified as parliamentary or presidential systems. In a parliamentary system, the head of executive is usually a prime minister elected from the parliament. In a presidential system, the president who is elected in a general election is the head of the executive.

Definition of Republic

The Canada social science dictionary [1] provides the following meaning of Republic: This has come to mean a society where there is no hereditary or appointed monarch or emperor as head of state. Originally it referred to a system of political rule where citizens, through representative institutions participated in government and exercised political power. This meaning derives from the original Latin res publica which means ‘things public’, those things that are connected to ruling the public realm. In its narrower meaning the term distinguishes Canada, Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Thailand and other countries formally headed by monarchs, from France, Italy, Germany, the United States and many others where the head of state is a president either directly elected or appointed by an elected assembly.

Republic: Resources

Notes and References

  • Drislane, R., & Parkinson, G. (2016). (Concept of) Republic. Online dictionary of the social sciences. Open University of Canada


This term is a noun.

Etimology of Republic

(You may find republic at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms).

c. 1600, “state in which supreme power rests in the people via elected representatives,” from Middle French république (15c.), from Latin respublica (ablative republica) “the common weal, a commonwealth, state, republic,” literally res publica “public interest, the state,” from res “affair, matter, thing” + publica, femenine of publicus “public” (see public (adj.)). Republic of letters attested from 1702.

Definition of Republic

In relation to social issues, a meaning of republic is provided here: a republic is a sovereign state in which all segments of society are enfranchised and in which the state’s power is constitutionally limited. A republic is distinguished from a true democracy in that the republic operates through a representative assembly chosen by the citizenry, while in a democracy the populace participates directly in governmental affairs.

Hierarchical Display of Republic

Politics > Political framework > Political system

Meaning of Republic

Overview and more information about Republic

For a more comprehensive understanding of Republic, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]


Translation of Republic

Thesaurus of Republic

Politics > Political framework > Political system > Republic

See also


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