

Democracy in Voting Law

Definition of Democracy in the context of the United States election law: The term originates from the Greek dêmokratía (government by the people), which is made up of dêmos (people) and kratos (power or rule). It refers to a political system in which power is held or controlled by the people (principle of sovereignty), without distinction based on origin, wealth or skill (principle of equality). As a general rule, democracies are indirect or representative: power is exercised via representatives who are elected by universal suffrage. Democracy implies political pluralism and alternation of power. It is a system based on equality and guaranteed rights and freedoms, without discrimination.

Democracy in Voting Law

Definition of Democracy in the context of the United States election law: The term originates from the Greek dêmokratía (government by the people), which is made up of dêmos (people) and kratos (power or rule). It refers to a political system in which power is held or controlled by the people (principle of sovereignty), without distinction based on origin, wealth or skill (principle of equality). As a general rule, democracies are indirect or representative: power is exercised via representatives who are elected by universal suffrage. Democracy implies political pluralism and alternation of power. It is a system based on equality and guaranteed rights and freedoms, without discrimination.

Definition of Democracy

The Canada social science dictionary [1] provides the following meaning of Democracy: In the original Greek literally ‘rule by the people’. In the Greek world, political organization was usually centred around ‘city states’ and male citizens had equal rights to participate in government. The Greek concept of citizenship implied that citizens must become actively involved in government, not just vote for representatives. In modern usage the term has become narrowed to mean a system of government where citizens have equal legal rights to vote in free elections. See: AUTOCRACY / MERITOCRACY / PLUTOCRACY in this legal dictionary and in the world encyclopedia of law.

Democracy: Resources

Notes and References

  • Drislane, R., & Parkinson, G. (2016). (Concept of) Democracy. Online dictionary of the social sciences. Open University of Canada


This term is a noun.

Etimology of Democracy

(You may find democracy at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms).

1570s, from Middle French démocratie (14c.), from Medieval Latin democratia (13c.), from Greek demokratia “popular government,” from demos “common people,” originally “district” (see demotic), + kratos “rule, strength” (see -cracy). Democracy implies that the man must take the responsibility for choosing his rulers and representatives, and for the maintenance of his own ‘rights’ against the possible and probable encroachments of the government which he has sanctioned to act for him in public matters. [Ezra Pound, “ABC of Economics,” 1933]


Legal English Vocabulary: Democracy in Spanish

Online translation of the English legal term democracy into Spanish: democracia (English to Spanish translation) . More about legal dictionary from english to spanish online.

Related to the Legal Thesaurus

Definition of Democracy

In relation to social issues, a meaning of democracy is provided here: a system of government in which political authority is held by the people; typically feature constitutional governments where the majority rules, a belief in individual liberty and in equal rights for all people, freedom of expression, political freedom, and freedom of choice.



See Also

  • Political System
  • Politics
  • Government

Hierarchical Display of Democracy

Politics > Political framework > Political philosophy
Politics > Political framework > Political system > People’s democracy
Politics > Political framework > Political ideology > Liberalism
Politics > Executive power and public service > Executive body > Executive competence > Government policy > Democratisation

Meaning of Democracy

Overview and more information about Democracy

For a more comprehensive understanding of Democracy, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]


Translation of Democracy

Thesaurus of Democracy

Politics > Political framework > Political philosophy > Democracy
Politics > Political framework > Political system > People’s democracy > Democracy
Politics > Political framework > Political ideology > Liberalism > Democracy
Politics > Executive power and public service > Executive body > Executive competence > Government policy > Democratisation > Democracy

See also


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