Search results for: “research body”

  • Agricultural Trade

    Hierarchical Display of Agricultural trade Trade > Trade > Trading operationAgriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Agricultural policy > Agricultural policyAgriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Agricultural structures and production > Regulation of agricultural production > […]

  • Audit

    An examination and full scrutiny of accounts. The act of so examining and scrutineering accounts implies an informed endeavour to weigh and judge the truth and correctness of the accounts. The act of inspecting and examining implies an informed endeavour to weigh and judge the truth and […]

  • Thesis

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Thesis Meaning of Thesis Synonyms of Thesis noun affirmation argument belief claim conjecture debatable issue debatable point doctrine dogma […]

  • Cenelec

    Hierarchical Display of Cenelec International Organisations > European organisations > European organisation > European standardisation bodyProduction, Technology And Research > Technology and technical regulations > Technical regulations > Standardisation > Standard > Technical […]

  • University


    Legal Definition and Related Resources of University Meaning of University The name given to certain societies or corporations which are seminaries of learning where youth are sent to finish their education. Among the civilians, by this term is […]

  • Cooperation on Agriculture

    Hierarchical Display of Cooperation on agriculture International Relations > Cooperation policy > Cooperation policyAgriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Agricultural policy > Agricultural policy Meaning of Cooperation on agriculture Overview and more information about Cooperation on […]

  • Parliamentary Library

    Hierarchical Display of Parliamentary library Education And Communications > Documentation > Information service > Library Meaning of Parliamentary library Overview and more information about Parliamentary library For a more comprehensive understanding of Parliamentary library, see in the […]

  • Test

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Test Meaning of Test A series of questions or exercises or other means of measuring the schooling, knowledge , intelligence, capacities or aptitudes of an individual or group. <div […]

  • Test

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Test Meaning of Test A series of questions or exercises or other means of measuring the schooling, knowledge , intelligence, capacities or aptitudes of an individual or group. <div […]

  • Protest

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Protest Meaning of Protest A solemn declaration of dissent . An express declaration by a person doing an act that the act is not to give rise to an implication which it might otherwise cause . In […]

  • Protest

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Protest Meaning of Protest A solemn declaration of dissent . An express declaration by a person doing an act that the act is not to give rise to an implication which it might otherwise cause . In […]

  • Progress Report

    Adoption Legal Definition of Progress Report Meaning of Progress Report See Report.Learn more with the Adoption Thesaurus Related Entries of Progress Report in the Encyclopedia of Law Project Browse or […]

  • Theory

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Theory Meaning of Theory Synonyms of Theory noun assumption belief conjecture doctrina doctrine dogma guesswork hypothesis ideology opinion […]

  • Children

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Children Meaning of Children (See “Sons.”) Legitimate offspring. L. R. 7 H. L. 568; 23 Hun (N. Y). 260; 14 N. J. Eq. 159. But see 42 Conn. 491. It includes only the first generation, and does […]

  • Children

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Children Meaning of Children (See “Sons.”) Legitimate offspring. L. R. 7 H. L. 568; 23 Hun (N. Y). 260; 14 N. J. Eq. 159. But see 42 Conn. 491. It includes only the first generation, and does […]