Search results for: “research body”

  • Digital Divide

    The digital divide refers to the widening technological gap between the richer and the poorer countries of the world….

  • Standard

    That which is of authority ; that which is accepted as correct or perfect . Conforming to established practise or usage . Also a flag used in war.

  • Museum

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Museum Meaning of Museum A building or institution for the cultivation of science or the exhibition of curiosity or works of art. Museum Alternative Definition […]

  • EU Office Or Agency

    Hierarchical Display of EU office or agency European Union > EU institutions and European civil serviceEuropean Union > EU institutions and European civil service > Operation of the Institutions > Appointment of membersInternational Organisations > European organisations > European […]


    TRIPS in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, a definition of this issue is as follows: Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights. See also Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.[1] TRIPSin the wold Encyclopedia For an introductory overview on […]

  • Intervention Agency

    Hierarchical Display of Intervention agency Trade > Trade policy > Trade policyAgriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Agricultural policy > Agricultural policy Meaning of Intervention agency Overview and more information about Intervention agency For a more comprehensive understanding of […]

  • European Standard

    Hierarchical Display of European standard Production, Technology And Research > Technology and technical regulations > Technical regulations > StandardisationInternational Organisations > European organisations > European organisation > European standardisation body Meaning of European […]

  • Correspondence

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Correspondence Meaning of Correspondence The letters written by one person to another, and the answer thereto. See Letter. Browse You might be interested in these references tools: Browse the […]

  • Management

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Management Meaning of Management control , superintendence , government . A person or body of persons who have the control of the business of a corporation or who are in charge of the business of the […]

  • Management

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Management Meaning of Management control , superintendence , government . A person or body of persons who have the control of the business of a corporation or who are in charge of the business of the […]

  • Section

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Section Meaning of Section A division of land one mile square, containing six hundred and forty acres, established by the United States government survey of the public domain. See “Range;” […]

  • Market Enlargement

    Hierarchical Display of Market enlargement Trade > Trade policy > Trade policy Meaning of Market enlargement Overview and more information about Market enlargement For a more comprehensive understanding of Market enlargement, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs […]

  • Pacific Islands Forum

    Pacific Islands Forum in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, pacific islands forum is: PIF. Founded in 1971 as the South Pacific Forum. Renamed in 2000. This is an annual meeting of the heads of government of South Pacific states. The entries on trade policy are here. Its membership is […]

  • Liability

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Liability Meaning of Liability The word is a general one and has no judicially fixed meaning, the judicial interpretations being largely dependent on the context and the statute where the word occurs. […]

  • Espionage

    nounespial intelligence obtaining national defense secrets obtaining of classified information practice of spying on others search made for useful military information secret observation secret watching spying<…