Search results for: “arms trade”

  • Security Exceptions

    Security exceptions in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, a definition of this issue is as follows: the right of WTO members under the GATS (Article XIVbis) and the GATT (Article XXI) to suspend their obligations under these agreements if important national security issues are at stake. […]

  • Security Exceptions

    Security exceptions in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, a definition of this issue is as follows: the right of WTO members under the GATS (Article XIVbis) and the GATT (Article XXI) to suspend their obligations under these agreements if important national security issues are at stake. […]


    COCOM in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, cocom is: Co-ordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls. The entries on trade policy are here. It was formed in response to a 1951 United Nations General Assembly recommendation for an embargo on the shipment of arms, ammunition and […]

  • Brussels Declaration

    Brussels Declaration in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, a definition of this issue is as follows: the statement resulting from the Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, held in Brussels from 14 to 20 May 2001. The entries on trade policy are here. Among other […]

  • Dual Purpose Exports

    Dual purpose exports in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, a definition of this issue is as follows: trade in goods, services and technologies suitable for civilian and military use. There can be disagreements over the extent to which products clearly made for civilian mass markets, such […]

  • Helms-Burton Legislation

    Helms-Burton legislation in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, a definition of this issue is as follows: The United States Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996. The entries on trade policy are here. Its stated aims are to seek international sanctions against […]

  • Helms-Burton Legislation

    Helms-Burton legislation in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, a definition of this issue is as follows: The United States Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996. The entries on trade policy are here. Its stated aims are to seek international sanctions against […]

  • Frisbee

    Grammar This term is a noun. Etimology of Frisbee (You may find Frisbee at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms). 1957, trademark registered 1959 by Wham-O Company; the prototype was modeled on pie tins from Mrs. Frisbie’s Pies, made by the Frisbie Bakery of […]

  • Right

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Right Meaning of Right In its legal sense, the term denotes the liberty or privilege conferred or protected by law of doing or abstaining from doing an act or the power or privilege enforced by law of […]

  • Explosives

    Any substances by whose decomposition or combustion, a gas is generated with such rapidity that it can be used for blasting or in firearms, etc. Explosives include gunpowder, nitroglycerine, blasting powders, dynamite, gun cotton, fulminate of mercury or other such metals, colored powders used […]

  • Explosives

    Any substances by whose decomposition or combustion, a gas is generated with such rapidity that it can be used for blasting or in firearms, etc. Explosives include gunpowder, nitroglycerine, blasting powders, dynamite, gun cotton, fulminate of mercury or other such metals, colored powders used […]

  • Distinguish

    To point out an essential difference; to show that a case, cited as an authority for a proposition, is inapplicable.

  • Carry

    As used in statutes concerning firearms, means holding or bearing arms. People v Overturf, 134 Cal. Rptr. 769, 64 C.A. 3 Supp. 1. With respect to insurance means to possess or hold. Dimick v Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 55 A. 291, 69 N.L.J. 384.