Knitted and Crocheted Goods
Hierarchical Display of Knitted and crocheted goods
Industry > Leather and textile industries > Textile industry
Meaning of Knitted and crocheted goods
Overview and more information about Knitted and crocheted goods
For a more comprehensive understanding of Knitted and crocheted goods, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of Knitted and crocheted goods
- Spanish: Calcetería
- French: Bonneterie
- German: Wirk- und Strickwarenindustrie
- Italian: Maglieria
- Portuguese: Malhas
- Polish: Dziewiarstwo
Thesaurus of Knitted and crocheted goods
Industry > Leather and textile industries > Textile industry > Knitted and crocheted goods
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