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Legal Definition and Related Resources of Intervention

Meaning of Intervention

(Lat. intervenio, to come between or among). In Civil Law. The act by which a third party becomes a party in a suit pending between other persons. The intervention is made either to be joined to the plaintiff, and to claim the same thing he does, or some other thing connected with it; or to join the defendant, and with him to oppose the claim of the plaintiff, which it is his interest to defeat. Poth. Proc. Civ. c. 2, sec. 6, § 3. In Modern Practice. The term Is sometimes used in the same sense as in the civil law. In English Ecclesiastical Law. The proceeding of a third person, who, not being originally a party to the suit or proceeding, but claiming an interest in the subject matter in dispute, in order the better to protect such interest, interposes his claim. 2 Chit. Prac. 492; 3 Chit. Com. Law, 633; 2 Hagg. Const. 137; 3 Phillim. Ecc. Law, 586; 1 Add. Ecc. Law, 5 ; 4 Hagg. Ecc. Law, 67 ; Dunl. Adm. Prac. 74. The intervener may come in at any stage of the cause, and even after judgment, if an appeal can be allowed on such judgment. 2 Hagg. Const. 137; 1 Eng. Ecc. Law, 480; 2 Eng. Ecc. Law, 13.


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This definition of Intervention Is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . This entry needs to be proofread.

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Intervention Legal Definition

When the court permits a third person to intervene and become a party.

Synonyms of Intervention

(Imposition into a lawsuit), noun

  • entrance into a lawsuit
  • entrance of a third party
  • insertion
  • interference
  • interjection
  • interjection into a lawsuit
  • interposition
  • intrusion
  • Associated Concepts: intervention by leave of the court
  • intervention by right

(Interference), noun

  • intercalation
  • interception
  • intercession
  • interjacence
  • interjection
  • interloping
  • intermeddling
  • intermediation
  • interpolation
  • interposition
  • interruption
  • interventus
  • intrusion

Meaning of Intervention in the U.S. Legal System

Definition of Intervention published by the National Association for Court Management: An action by which a third person who may be affected by a lawsuit is permitted to become a party to the suit. Differs from the process of becoming an amicus curiae.

Legal Usage of Intervention in English

An European Commission document offers the following explanation about the misused of Intervention:In international relations, the normal meaning of ‘intervention’ is ‘interference by a state in another’s affairs’105 and this can have strong negative connotations106. Indeed, it is often found in combination with the word ‘military’, and this is how many respondents understood the first example below. In any case, it implies a limitation of the sovereignty of the country or territory in question107 and interference in its affairs, which may not be well received by the public. In European Union parlance, on the other hand, it is just the term normally used to designate EU-funded operations in the member countries and elsewhere, and is part of an unclear hierarchy of activities that also involves ‘axes’, ‘measures’ and ‘actions’ (see ‘action’ above). A further problem is that, in normal English usage, ‘intervention’ is often uncountable, leading to unwanted grammatical problems. Curiously, ‘intervention’ is also often used at the European Union to mean a ‘speech’, ‘talk’, ‘presentation’ or ‘comment’, usually in a conference or meeting (see the last example). This is also wrong.


‘The North of Kosovo: interventions have been very limited and there has been almost no progress in establishing the rule of law108.’ ‘[The committee of the Regions] … considers it necessary that development and investment partnership contracts should become a means of making national and European Union interventions truly complementary. [The committee of the Regions] … reiterates that such contracts must be drawn up and developed with the full involvement of regional and local authorities109.’ The following spoke: Holger Krahmer on the intervention by Rebecca Harms110.’


‘Activities’, ‘projects’, ‘EU-funded activities/projects’; where it refers to someone’s contribution to a conference ‘speech’, ‘contribution’, ‘comments’, ‘question’, ‘explanation’, ‘talk’, ‘presentation’ etc.


Further Reading

  • David Mellinkoff, “Mellinkoff’s Dictionary of American Legal Usage”, West Publishing Company, 1992
  • Bryan A. Garner, “A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage”, West Publishing Company, 1995

is individual, community, local/international civil society, domestic government and international actions to: i) reduce risk before or after a Conflict or disaster; ii) in the event of a disaster or during a Conflict; and/or, iii) in relation to post-Conflict and post-disaster recovery.

The dictatorial interference by one state in another state’s affairs ranging from its leadership choices to landing troops on its territory.

is individual, community, local/international civil society, domestic government and international actions to: i) reduce risk before or after a Conflict or disaster; ii) in the event of a disaster or during a Conflict; and/or, iii) in relation to post-Conflict and post-disaster recovery.

The dictatorial interference by one state in another state’s affairs ranging from its leadership choices to landing troops on its territory.


Concept of Butter mountain

An introductory definition of butter mountain in relation to the European Union law and policies is available here: The vast surpluses of butter resulting from guaranteed high prices and unlimited ‘intervention’ buying by the EC, chiefly in the 1980s (see more in the European legal encyclopedia). (See also ‘Wine lake’ in the in the European legal encyclopedia).


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