Deliberandum Est Diu Quod Statuendum Est Semel

Deliberandum Est Diu Quod Statuendum Est Semel

Concept of “Deliberandum Est Diu Quod Statuendum Est Semel”

Traditional meaning of deliberandum est diu quod statuendum est semel in English (with some legal use of this latin concept in England and the United States in the XIX Century) [1]: (in Latin) That which is to be resolved once for all [enacted] should be long considered.


Notes and References

  1. Based on A Concise Law Dictionary of Words, Phrases and Maxims, “Deliberandum Est Diu Quod Statuendum Est Semel”, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1911, United States. It is also called the Stimson’s Law dictionary. This term and/or definition may be absolete.

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