Bill Of Health

Legal Definition and Related Resources of Bill of health

Meaning of Bill of health

In Commercial Law. A certificate, properly authenticated, that a certain ship or vessel therein named comes from a place where no contagious distempers prevail, and that none of the crew at the time of her departure were infected with any such distemper. It is generally found on board ships coming from the Levant, or from the coasts of Barbary, where the plague prevails (1 Marsh. Ins. 408), and is necessary whenever a ship sails from a suspected port, or where it is required at the port of destination (Holt, 167; 1 Bell”, Comm. [5th Ed.] 553). In Scotch Law. An application of a person in custody to be discharged on account pf ill health. Where the health of a prisoner requires it, he may be indulged, under proper regulations, with such a degree of liberty as may be necessary to restore him. 2 Bell, Comm. (5th Ed.) 549; Paterson, Comp. § 1129.

What does Bill Of Health mean in American Law?

The definition of Bill Of Health in the law of the United States, as defined by the lexicographer Arthur Leff in his legal dictionary is:

In maritime law, a formal document given to the master of a ship by a responsible official of a port the ship is about to leave, describing the state of health of the port. The paper is to be exhibited at the ship”s next port of call. If there is no known infectious disease, the master will be given a “clean bill of health.” If there is no knowledge, but reason to fear pestilence, the bill of health will be “suspected.” If pestilence is known to exist, the master is issued what is charmingly called a “foul bill of health,” and the ship is quarantined outside its next port.

The expression “clean bill of health” has passed into ordinary language to mean that a person or organization has been examined and found sound, as in “The brokerage house was investigated by the SEC, and eventually given a clean bill of health.”


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This definition of Bill Of Health Is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . This definition needs to be proofread..

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