Voter-verified Paper Audit Trail

Voter-verified Paper Audit Trail

Voter-verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) in Voting Law

Definition of Voter-verified Paper Audit Trail (vvpat) in the context of the United States election law: Kind of receipt printed by an electronic voting machine indicating that an elector’s vote has been recorded by the system. The VVPAT is retained by election officials as the record of votes cast for the purposes of an audit or in cases of recount.

Voter-verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) in Voting Law

Definition of Voter-verified Paper Audit Trail (vvpat) in the context of the United States election law: Kind of receipt printed by an electronic voting machine indicating that an elector’s vote has been recorded by the system. The VVPAT is retained by election officials as the record of votes cast for the purposes of an audit or in cases of recount.






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