Tag: BE

  • Benefit Association

    Mutual benefit society….

  • Benefit Association

    Mutual benefit society….

  • Beggar-thy-neighbour Policies

    Beggar-thy-neighbour policies in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, a definition of this issue is as follows: trade or economic measures, such as export subsidies, import quotas and tariffs, taken with the aim of improving domestic economic conditions, e.g. raising employment, and the […]

  • Becquerel

    Concept of Becquerel In relation to securing dangerous material (in case of crisis or terrorism) a meaning of becquerel may be outlined, in general regarding European law, as follows: A measure of the activity of a radioactive element. Symbol Bq, where 1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second. See […]

  • Becquerel

    Concept of Becquerel In relation to securing dangerous material (in case of crisis or terrorism) a meaning of becquerel may be outlined, in general regarding European law, as follows: A measure of the activity of a radioactive element. Symbol Bq, where 1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second. See […]

  • Benefit Of Inventory

    In civil law. The privilege which the heir obtains of being liable for the charges and debts of the succession, only to the value of the eflFects of the succession, by causing an inventory of these effects within the time and manner prescribed by law. Civ. Code La. art. 1025; Poth. des […]

  • Benefit Of Inventory

    In civil law. The privilege which the heir obtains of being liable for the charges and debts of the succession, only to the value of the eflFects of the succession, by causing an inventory of these effects within the time and manner prescribed by law. Civ. Code La. art. 1025; Poth. des […]

  • Begging

    Resources Legal English Vocabulary: Begging in Spanish Online translation of the English legal term begging into Spanish: mendicidad (English to Spanish translation) . More about legal dictionary from english to spanish online. Related to the Legal Thesaurus

  • Bequest

    A gift of real estate by will. See Eaten v MacDonald 145 A.2d369, 154 Me. 227.

  • Bench Warrant

    A county , 321 P.2d 15, 157 C. A.2d287.

  • Berne Convention

    Berne Convention

    Berne Convention in Law EnforcementMain Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of Berne Convention.ResourcesSee AlsoLaw Enforcement Officer Police Officer Law Enforcement Agency Further Reading Berne […]

  • Bequeath


    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Bequeath Meaning of Bequeath Ordinarily accepted meaning and interpretation of the word bequeath confines it to real property derived under a testamentary instument. In modern usage , the word has been […]

  • Best Practice

    What is the meaning of Best Practice? A definition of Best Practice is provided here: A best practice is a business process with demonstrated ability to achieve superior results. Best practices represent proven methodologies for consistently and effectively achieving a business objective.

  • Benefice

    An proportion of these emoluments. In modern sense, it may be classified as rectories, vicarages and perpetual curacies; also applicable to archdeaconry.

  • Benefice

    An proportion of these emoluments. In modern sense, it may be classified as rectories, vicarages and perpetual curacies; also applicable to archdeaconry.