white red and green map




This term is a noun.

Etimology of Self-determination

(You may find self-determination at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms).

1680s, “determination of mind,” from self- + determination. Political sense is attested from 1911, popularized by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924).


See Also

  • Law Dictionaries.
  • Anti-Imperialism; Human Rights; Imperialism; Intervention and Nonintervention; Realism and Idealism; Revolution; Wilsonianism.

    Anticolonial Movements; Autonomy; Black Power; Colonialism; Colony, Internal; Communalism; Dependency Theory; Indigenous Rights; Lenin, Vladimir Ilitch; Liberation; Marx, Karl; Minorities; Nationalism and Nationality; Palestinians; Politics, Identity; Secession; Separatism; United Nations

  • Further Reading

    Bailey, Thomas A. Woodrow Wilson and the Lost Peace. New York, 1944. Contains a scholarly analysis of the implementation of Wilson’s concept of self-determination.

    Balzer, Harley D., ed. Five Years that Shook the World: Gorbachev’s Unfinished Revolution. Boulder, Colo., 1991.

    Barbour, Walworth. “The Concept of Self-Determination in American Thought.” Department of State Bulletin 31 (1954). Presents an official view.

    Barker, Sir Ernest. National Character and the Factors in Its Formation. London, 1948. A classic work originally published in 1927.

    Birdsall, Paul. Versailles Twenty Years After. New York, 1941. Presents a “realistic” view of Wilson’s efforts to implement the concept of self-determination at the Paris Peace Conference.

    Carley, Patricia. U.S. Responses to Self-Determination Movements. Washington, D.C., 1997. A report of a roundtable by the United States Institute of Peace and the Policy Planning Staff of the U.S. Department of State on strategies for nonviolent outcomes and alternatives to secession.

    Cassese, Antonio. Self-Determination of Peoples: A Legal Reappraisal. Cambridge and New York, 1995. A comprehensive legal account of the concept of self-determination.

    Cobban, Alfred. The Nation State and National Self-Determination. New York, 1969. Presents the most nearly definitive history and political analysis of the general concept of national self-determination by means of a pragmatic approach.

    Diesing, Paul. “National Self-Determination and U.S. Foreign Policy.” Ethics 77 (1967). A provocative ethical analysis.

    More Further Reading

    Eagleton, Clyde. “The Excesses of Self-Determination.” Foreign Affairs 31 (1953). An excellent analysis of problems presented by the attempt to apply the concept of self-determination in the post-World War II period.

    Emerson, Rupert. Self-Determination Revisited in the Era of Decolonization. Cambridge, Mass., 1964. A good synthesis, containing a fresh examination in a new nation-forming setting.

    Gerson, Louis L. The Hyphenate in Recent American Politics and Diplomacy. Lawrence, Kans., 1964. Especially helpful on the role of East European hyphenates in promoting self-determination during the Wilson and Roosevelt administrations.

    Halperin, Morton H., and David J. Scheffer. Self-Determination in the New World Order. Washington, D.C., 1992. Reviews U.S. and international claims during and after the Cold War.

    Jessup, Philip C. “Self-Determination Today in Principle and in Practice.” Virginia Quarterly Review 33 (1957). An evaluation by a first-rate scholar of international law.

    Johnson, Harold S. Self-Determination within the Community of Nations. Leiden, Netherlands, 1967. Presents a careful analysis of conflicting interpretations of the great powers.

    Lansing, Robert. The Peace Negotiations: A Personal Narrative. Boston and New York, 1921. Important for an understanding of Lansing’s criticisms of national self-determination.

    Link, Arthur S. Woodrow Wilson: Revolution, War, and Peace. Arlington Heights, Ill., 1979. Necessary for an appreciation of how Wilson’s principles influenced his foreign policy.

    May, Arthur James. Contemporary American Opinion of the Mid-Century Revolutions in Central Europe. Philadelphia, 1927. Essential for the mid-nineteenth-century outlook.

    Mayer, Arno J. Politics and Diplomacy of Peacemaking: Containment and Counterrevolution at Versailles, 1918-1919. New York, 1967. Provides vital background for the Wilsonian position.

    Musgrave, Thomas D. Self Determination and National Minorities. New York, 1997. Examines the historic and current status of self-determination in international law.

    A prominent group right to self-rule that was claimed especially by peoples of the third world during the colonial era.

    A prominent group right to self-rule that was claimed especially by peoples of the third world during the colonial era.

    Hierarchical Display of Self-determination

    International Relations > International affairs > National independence
    Politics > Electoral procedure and voting > Electoral system > Referendum

    Meaning of Self-determination

    Overview and more information about Self-determination

    For a more comprehensive understanding of Self-determination, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]


    Translation of Self-determination

    Thesaurus of Self-determination

    International Relations > International affairs > National independence > Self-determination
    Politics > Electoral procedure and voting > Electoral system > Referendum > Self-determination

    See also


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