Public Confidence

Public Confidence

Public Confidence in Voting Law

Definition of Public Confidence in the context of the United States election law: State of mind of a population in relation to the environment in which elections take place and the political class. Confidence can be inspired by electoral processes that are transparent, inclusive, understandable and respect the will of voters. A political class that is honest, able to renew itself and has ambitious but realistic programmes may also create trust. The confidence of the electorate can result in a high tournout.

Public Confidence in Voting Law

Definition of Public Confidence in the context of the United States election law: State of mind of a population in relation to the environment in which elections take place and the political class. Confidence can be inspired by electoral processes that are transparent, inclusive, understandable and respect the will of voters. A political class that is honest, able to renew itself and has ambitious but realistic programmes may also create trust. The confidence of the electorate can result in a high tournout.






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