Financial Definition of Participating Gic
Meaning of Participating Gic
A guaranteed investment contract where the policyholder is not guaranteed a crediting rate, but instead receives a return based on the actual experience of the portfolio managed by the life company.
International Trade Meaning and Definition of Partnership
Form of business organization in which two or more co-owners form a business. In a general partnership each partner is liable for the debts of the partnership. Limited partnership permits some partners to have limited liability.
Synonyms of Partnership
- alliance
- association
- coalition
- combination
- concord
- confederacy
- confederation
- conjunction
- connection
- consociation
- consortio
- consortium
- cooperation
- cooperative society
- copartnership
- federation
- fellowship
- firm
- guild
- joint interest
- league
- legal entity
- mutual company
- participation
- pool
- societas
- sodality
- syndicate
- Associated Concepts: commercial partnership
- copartnership
- corporation
- dissolution of partnership
- general partnership
- joint enterprise
- joint venture
- limited partnership
- partnership agreement
- partnership assets
- partnership at will
- partnership debts
- partnership fora single transaction
- partnership property
- professional partnership
- silent partner
- special partnership
- voluntary association foreign phrases: Nemo debet in communione invitus teneri
- Xo one should be retained in a partnership against his will
- Si alicujus rei societas sit et finis negotio impositusestfinitussocietas
- li there is a partnership in any matter
- and the business is concluded
- the partnership is ended
Related Entries of Participating Gic in the Encyclopedia of Law Project
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Participating Gic in Historical Law
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Related topics | Participating Gic in the World Encyclopedia of Law |
What is Participating Gic?
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English Spanish Translation of Partnership
Sociedad por partes de interés
Find other English to Spanish translations from the Pocket Spanish English Legal Dictionary (print and online), the English to Spanish to English dictionaries (like Partnership) and the Word reference legal translator.
Partnership in Law Enforcement
Main Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of partnership.
See Also
- Law Enforcement Officer
- Police
- Law Enforcement Agency
Further Reading
- partnership in A Dictionary of Law Enforcement (Oxford University Press)
- partnership in the Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement
- A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis
Partnership in the Economic Activity
An introductory concept of Partnership may be: a business owned by two or more individuals, who share the profits and are jointly liable for any losses
Partnership Definition (in the Accounting Vocabulary)
The New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants offers the following definition of Partnership in a way that is easy for anybody to understand: Relationship between two or more persons based on a written, oral, or implied agreement whereby they agree to carry on a trade or business for profit and share the resulting profits. Unlike a CORPORATION’S shareholders, the partnership’s general partners are liable for the DEBTS of the partnership.
United States Tax Concept of Partnership
A partnership is an unincorporated business, investment organization, or income producing entity that has more than one owner who share profits and losses. A partnership is not subject to tax but passes income, deductions, losses, credits, and other tax items through to its partners according to the terms of the partnership agreement. Owners are usually personally liable for the partnership’s debts.
Concept of Partnership in the context of Real Property
A short definition of Partnership: As defined by the Uniform Partnership Act, “An association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners, a business for profit”. The business must be lawful and the partners must agree to share in the profit or loss (but not necessarily equally).
Concept of Partnership in the context of Real Property
A short definition of Partnership: As defined by the Uniform Partnership Act, “An association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners, a business for profit”. The business must be lawful and the partners must agree to share in the profit or loss (but not necessarily equally).
What is the meaning of Partnership?
A definition of Partnership is provided here: A partnership is an association of two or more entities that have defined roles, responsibilities and financial contributions to a project. Partners could provide monetary and/or in-kind contributions that reflect a commitment to the success of the project. Partners to OLES projects are not eligible to receive fees for goods or services related to funded project activities.
Hierarchical Display of Partnership
Business And Competition > Legal form of organisations > Organisation > Firm governed by commercial law
Business And Competition > Business organisation > Company structure > Company member
Meaning of Partnership
Overview and more information about Partnership
For a more comprehensive understanding of Partnership, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of Partnership
- Spanish: Sociedad personalista
- French: Société de personnes
- German: Offene Handelsgesellschaft
- Italian: Società di persone
- Portuguese: Sociedade de pessoas
- Polish: Spółka osobowa
Thesaurus of Partnership
Business And Competition > Legal form of organisations > Organisation > Firm governed by commercial law > Partnership
Business And Competition > Business organisation > Company structure > Company member > Partnership
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