Optical Character Recognition Device

Optical Character Recognition Device

Optical Character Recognition (ocr) Device in Voting Law

Definition of Optical Character Recognition (ocr) Device in the context of the United States election law: Scanning system that takes images and uses computer software to recognise the shapes of printed or handwritten characters, such as numbers and letters, and stores them as computer-readable data. OCR is typically used to convert printed text into computer-readable text. As an example, this system allows data capture of information printed on forms. Rather than manually typing information contained on forms, OCR can be used to automatically convert information from forms into computer-readable data.

Optical Character Recognition (ocr) Device in Voting Law

Definition of Optical Character Recognition (ocr) Device in the context of the United States election law: Scanning system that takes images and uses computer software to recognise the shapes of printed or handwritten characters, such as numbers and letters, and stores them as computer-readable data. OCR is typically used to convert printed text into computer-readable text. As an example, this system allows data capture of information printed on forms. Rather than manually typing information contained on forms, OCR can be used to automatically convert information from forms into computer-readable data.






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