Miscellaneous Industries
Hierarchical Display of Miscellaneous industries
Industry > Miscellaneous industries
Meaning of Miscellaneous industries
Overview and more information about Miscellaneous industries
For a more comprehensive understanding of Miscellaneous industries, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of Miscellaneous industries
- Spanish: Industria diversa
- French: Industrie diverse
- German: Verschiedene Industriezweige
- Italian: Industrie varie
- Portuguese: Indústrias diversas
- Polish: Różne gałęzie przemysłu
Thesaurus of Miscellaneous industries
Industry > Miscellaneous industries > Miscellaneous industries
See also
- Service industry
- Luxury products industry
- Alcoholic beverage
- Motor vehicle industry
- Clothing industry
- Cosmetics industry
- Hides and furskins industry
- Photographic industry
- Jewellery and goldsmith’s articles
- Hand tool
- Household article
- Toilet article
- Office supplies
- Sports equipment
- Toy industry
- Musical instrument
- Gift item
- Decorative item
Hierarchical Display of Miscellaneous industries
Meaning of Miscellaneous industries
Overview and more information about Miscellaneous industries
For a more comprehensive understanding of Miscellaneous industries, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of Miscellaneous industries
- Spanish: Industrias diversas
- French: Industries diverses
- German: Verschiedene Industriezweige
- Italian: Industrie varie
- Portuguese: Indústrias diversas
- Polish: Różne gałęzie przemysłu
Thesaurus of Miscellaneous industries
Industry > Miscellaneous industries
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