Magistrate in Law Enforcement
Main Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of magistrate.
This term is a noun.
Etimology of Magistrate
(You may find magistrate at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms).
late 14c., “civil officer in charge of administering laws,” from Old French magistrat, from Latin magistratus “a magistrate, public functionary,” originally “magisterial rank or office,” from magistrare “serve as a magistrate,” from magister “chief, director” (see master; this term is also a noun.). Related: Magistracy.
Meaning of Magistrate in Spanish
Description/ translation of magistrate into Spanish: juez, miembro del Magistrates’ Court; lay magistrate: juez lego; (in the law of England and Wales/ en el derecho de Inglaterra y Gales) Magistrates’ Court: instancia jurisdiccional que cumple la doble función de juzgar las faltas y los delitos menos graves y de evaluar el fundamento de la acusación por delito grave para su enjuiciamiento en la instancia superior. Está integrado por tres Magistrates, normalmente jueces legos, aunque en las zonas urbanas incluye un District Judge (= juez profesional); (in the law of the United States/ en el derecho de los Estados Unidos) Magistrate: juez o magistrado, según los casos (en el derecho federal, es toda persona investida del poder de juzgar)[1]
Note: for more information on related terms and on the area of law where magistrate belongs (criminal procedure law), in Spanish, see here.
Notes and References
- Translation of Magistrate published by Antonio Peñaranda
See Also
- Law Enforcement Officer
- Police
- Law Enforcement Agency
Further Reading
- magistrate in A Dictionary of Law Enforcement (Oxford University Press)
- magistrate in the Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement
- A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis
Meaning of Magistrate in the U.S. Legal System
Definition of Magistrate published by the National Association for Court Management: Judicial officer exercising some of the functions of a judge. It also refers in a general way to a judge.
Concept of Magistrate in the context of Real Property
A short definition of Magistrate: Any civil public officer. Most commonly used to designate an inferior judicial officer, such as a justice of the peace, police justice, etc.
Concept of Magistrate in the context of Real Property
A short definition of Magistrate: Any civil public officer. Most commonly used to designate an inferior judicial officer, such as a justice of the peace, police justice, etc.
Magistrate (Judicial Personnel)
Hierarchical Display of Magistrate
Law > Organisation of the legal system > Legal profession
Meaning of Magistrate
Overview and more information about Magistrate
For a more comprehensive understanding of Magistrate, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of Magistrate
- Spanish: Magistrado
- French: Magistrat
- German: Richter/Staatsanwalt
- Italian: Magistrato
- Portuguese: Magistrado
- Polish: Urzędnik sądowy
Thesaurus of Magistrate
Law > Organisation of the legal system > Legal profession > Magistrate
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