Labor Cooperation

Labor Cooperation

North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation in Global Commerce Policy

In this regard, north american agreement on labor cooperation is: an agreement containing binding obligations signed by the Canada, Mexico and United States in September 1993 as part of their obligations under NAFTA with the main objective of improving working conditions and living standards in the territory of each party. The parties to the Agreement undertake to promote eleven labour principles which include, in addition to the core labour standards, the right to strike, minimum employment standards, equal pay for women and men, prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses, compensation in cases of occupational injuries and illnesses and protection of migrant workers. The Agreement permits trade measures to enforce the observance of standards relating to occupational safety and health, child labour or minimum wage technical standards, but not the core labour standards such as freedom of association or the right to bargain collectively. The administration of the Agreement is supervised by a Commission for Labour Cooperation consisting of a ministerial council and a secretariat.[1]

North American Agreement on Labor Cooperationin the wold Encyclopedia

For an introductory overview on international trade policy, see this entry.


Notes and References

  1. Dictionary of Trade Policy, “North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation” entry (OAS)

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