Gnma Options

Gnma Options

Concept of Gnma (government National Mortgage Association) Options in the context of Real Property

A short definition of Gnma (government National Mortgage Association) Options: A method of purchasing GNMA securities through “puts” and “calls”. A GNMA Call Option is the right to buy GNMA securities at a specific yield for a specified time. A Put Option is the right to sell GNMA securities at a specific yield for a specified time. The buyer pays for the option and may exercise it, not exercise it, or sell it.

Concept of Gnma (government National Mortgage Association) Options in the context of Real Property

A short definition of Gnma (government National Mortgage Association) Options: A method of purchasing GNMA securities through “puts” and “calls”. A GNMA Call Option is the right to buy GNMA securities at a specific yield for a specified time. A Put Option is the right to sell GNMA securities at a specific yield for a specified time. The buyer pays for the option and may exercise it, not exercise it, or sell it.






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