Employers’ Confederation
Hierarchical Display of Employers’ confederation
Employment And Working Conditions > Labour law and labour relations > Labour relations > Social partners > Employers’ organisation
Meaning of Employers’ confederation
Overview and more information about Employers’ confederation
For a more comprehensive understanding of Employers’ confederation, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of Employers’ confederation
- Spanish: Confederación patronal
- French: Confédération patronale
- German: Gesamtverband der Arbeitgeber
- Italian: Confederazione imprenditoriale
- Portuguese: Confederação patronal
- Polish: Konfederacja pracodawców
Thesaurus of Employers’ confederation
Employment And Working Conditions > Labour law and labour relations > Labour relations > Social partners > Employers’ organisation > Employers’ confederation
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