Concept of BTWC

In relation to securing dangerous material (in case of crisis or terrorism) a meaning of btwc may be outlined, in general regarding European law, as follows: BTWC – Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (1972)
Microbial, biological agents, toxins, unless for peaceful purposes; weapons, equipments, means of delivery to the agents for hostile purposes (art. I) cannot be developed, produced, stockpiled, acquired or retained by the Parties. They cannot be transferred (art. III) neither in the form of assistance to manufacture or acquire. Parties shall prohibit any actor to do that (art. IV) while the exchange of equipment and information for the peaceful use of the agents is supported (art. X). he Convention has a peer complaint-reporting system to the Security Council of the United Nations in case of suspected breach (art.VI) with an investigation mechanism.
Following the review conferences, in cases of use of biological/toxin weapons, the United Nations Secretary-General shall start investigations (UNSC Resolution 620/1988) using its mechanism/guidelines A/44/561 as endorsed in resolution 45/57 of 1990.[1]


Notes and References

  1. Definition of btwc published by the European Commission





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