Tag: Property

  • Chase

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Chase Meaning of Chase A district of land privileged for wild beasts of chase, with the exclusive right of hunting therein. Less than a f.r.s. but bigger than a park. while every forest is a chase, every […]

  • Estoppel


    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Estoppel Meaning of Estoppel A rule of evidence , by which a part} is precluded from denying the existence o: some facts which he had previously, either by words or conduct , asserted as true. The […]

  • Gift Causa Mortis

    Gift Causa Mortis

    See also See gift (in U.S. law) …. (Read more)…

  • Airspace


    See air rights; navigable airspace….

  • Chattels


    All goods movable and immovable, except such as have the nature of freehold. Any kind of property which, having regard either to the subject matter or the quantity of interest therein, is not freehold. Carrington v State, 86 So. 344, 80 Fla. 494. Chattels can be divided into two classes. […]

  • Conversion

    A wrongful interference with goods , as by taking, using or destroying them, inconsistent with the owner ‘s right of possession . Catania v garage De. Le. Paix Inc., (Tex. Civ.App.) 542 S. W.2d 239. The Repudiation by the defendant of the owner’s right, or some exercise […]

  • Accelerated Depreciation

    Accelerated Depreciation

    Any depreciation method that produces larger deductions for depreciation in the early years of a project’s life. Accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS), which is a depreciation schedule allowed for tax purposes, is one such example….

  • Evidence of Title

    A deed or other document establishing the title to property, especially real estate; quibus jus praediorum firmatur. Spelman. …

  • Equitable Title

    See also A person’s right to obtain absolute ownership of property to which another… (Read more)…

  • Property Management Agreement

    Concept of Property Management Agreement in the context of Real Property A short definition of Property Management Agreement: The contract between an owner and property manager (or management company), setting forth the duties of and payment for said manager.

  • Closing Statement

    An attorney’s summation at a trial.

  • Eminent Domain

    Eminent Domain

    The right of the state to take the property of a citizen for the common good of all citizens. An attribute of sovereignty and inherent therein as a necessary and inseparable part. The power of eminent domain, as its name imports , is paramount to all private rights vested […]

  • Eviction

    Dispossession of a tenant by a landlord . An expulsion by the assertion of a paramount title or by process of law. A physical expulsion is not always necessary, for any disturbance in or deprivation or cessation of the possession of the tenant is sufficient to constitute […]

  • Closing

    The completion of a transaction. In real estate law, the execution of the contract of sale.

  • Donor

    One who makes a gift.