Tag: Majority voting

  • Absolute Majority

    Absolute Majority in Voting Law Definition of Absolute Majority in the context of the United States election law: System in which a candidate (or list of candidates) is elected by obtaining more than 50% of the votes.

  • Unanimity

    (Lat. unus, one, animus, mind). The agreement of all the persons concerned in a thing, in design and opinion. Generally, a simple majority of any number of persons is sufficient to do such acts as the whole number can do, for example, a majority of the legislature can pass a law; but […]

  • Qualified Majority

    Hierarchical Display of Qualified majority Politics > Electoral procedure and voting > Majority voting Meaning of Qualified majority Overview and more information about Qualified majority For a more comprehensive understanding of Qualified majority, see in the general part of the online […]

  • Simple Majority

    Hierarchical Display of Simple majority Politics > Electoral procedure and voting > Majority voting Meaning of Simple majority Overview and more information about Simple majority For a more comprehensive understanding of Simple majority, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs […]