Tag: International Public Law

  • Respondent

    ResourcesSee AlsoLaw Dictionaries.CASE. …

  • Chattels


    All goods movable and immovable, except such as have the nature of freehold. Any kind of property which, having regard either to the subject matter or the quantity of interest therein, is not freehold. Carrington v State, 86 So. 344, 80 Fla. 494. Chattels can be divided into two classes. […]

  • Custom

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Custom Meaning of Custom usage , having the force of law, being established by long use and consent of ancestors. local common law as distinguished from general common law. Not a statute law but a […]

  • Inheritance

    Real property that descended to the heir upon the ancestor ‘s death intestate . The term is also used in old books as synonymous with hereditaments. In popular language, the term is used to denote all property obtained by devise or descent although the term strictly means that […]

  • Sovereignty


    The union and exercise of all human power possessed in a state. It is a combination of all power; it is the power to do everything in a state without accountability, to make laws, to execute and to apply them, to impose and collect taxes and levy contributions, to make war or peace, to […]

  • Custody

    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Custody Meaning of Custody The care and keeping of anything; safekeeping, protection, charge , care, guardianship. imprisonment , as in the words to be in custody. A restraint on one’s liberty . […]

  • Separate Property

    In the context of Family Code in a community property state, a spouse’s separate property consists of the property acquired by the spouse before marriage or during marriage by gift, devise, bequest or descent. An estate held both in its use and in its title, for the exclusive benefit of […]

  • Accession


    To Property. The right to all which one’s own property produces, whether that property be movable or immavable, including the increase of animals, and the right to that which is so united to it, either naturally i or artificially, as not to be readily separable. See 45 Vt. 4; 2 Kent, […]

  • General Recommendation

    Definition of General Recommendation As it pertains to Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), general recommendations are detailed commentary on the articles of Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) […]

  • Parenting Plan

    Definition of Parenting Plan A written agreement between parents and other relevant persons that deals with any matter relating to parental responsibility.

  • Habitually Resident

    Definition of Habitually Resident Regular physical presence in a country.

  • Prohibited Steps Order

    A court order used to restrict a person’s exercise of parental responsibility, for example removing a child out of the country without permission….

  • Substantive Equality

    Definition of Substantive Equality Substantive equality refers to real or actual equality. Whereas formal equality merely requires the equal application of rules, substantive equality requires equality of access, equal opportunity and crucially, equality of results.

  • No-fault Divorce

    Definition of No-fault Divorce A no-fault divorce is the legal ending of a marriage, upon application to the court by either party, without the requirement that the applicant show fault on the part of the other party.

  • Standard of Proof

    There are three standards of proof:In criminal cases, the offense must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.In civil cases, a mere preponderance of the evidence.(more likely than not).In some civil cases, and in juvenile proceedings such as a permanent end of parental rights, an in […]