Tag: BE

  • Before and After Method

    Concept of Before And After Method in the context of Real Property A short definition of Before And After Method: An appraisal method used in both condemnation and modernization. In condemnation the method is used in a partial taking. The value of the total land owned by A, for example, is […]

  • Benefit of the Bargain

    Concept of Benefit of The Bargain in the context of Real Property A short definition of Benefit of The Bargain: A rule of damages under which a defrauded purchaser may recover the difference between the actual and misrepresented value of the property purchased, even though greater than the […]

  • Berlin Wall

    Definition of Berlin Wall The Canada social science dictionary [1] provides the following meaning of Berlin Wall: A barrier of barbed wire and, later, of concrete and minefields built in 1961 between the eastern (communist controlled) sector of the city of Berlin and the western sector. […]

  • Beveled Siding

    Beveled Siding in the context of Real Property See: Clapboard in this legal Dictionary.

  • Beneficial Interest

    An trustee .

  • Begin

    English Spanish Translation of Begin To begin an action FOR damages: Entablar un juicio POR daños y perjuiciosFind other English to Spanish translations from the Pocket Spanish English Legal Dictionary (print and online), the English to Spanish to English […]

  • Beneficial Use


  • Belt Highway

    Concept of Belt Highway in the context of Real Property A short definition of Belt Highway: A limited access highway carrying traffic around an urban area, with entrances and exits to principal streets. Also called a by- pass.

  • Bearer Instruments

    Concept of Bearer Instruments in the context of Real Property A short definition of Bearer Instruments: Checks, notes, drafts, bonds, etc., payable to whomever has possession of the instruments: i.e. the bearer.

  • Bernard Rule

    Bernard Rule in the context of Real Property See: Baltimore Rule in this legal Dictionary.

  • Beta

    A measure of an asset’s sensitivity to changes in the market portfolio (in the CAPM) or to a factor (in the APT). The beta of an asset j is computed as bj = rj,k (sj/sk), where k represents a market factor (such as returns to the market portfolio in the C…

  • Beautician

    Grammar This term is a noun. Etimology of Beautician (You may find beautician at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms). first recorded 1924, American English (Mencken found it in the Cleveland, Ohio, telephone directory), from beauty + ending as in technician. Beauty […]

  • Beautician

    Grammar This term is a noun. Etimology of Beautician (You may find beautician at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms). first recorded 1924, American English (Mencken found it in the Cleveland, Ohio, telephone directory), from beauty + ending as in technician. Beauty […]

  • Belvedere

    Belvedere in the context of Real Property See: Gazebo in this legal Dictionary.

  • Belvedere

    Belvedere in the context of Real Property See: Gazebo in this legal Dictionary.