

Translate Pre-Trial Conference from English to Spanish

Translation of Pre-Trial Conference, with examples. More about free online translation into Spanish of Consulta previa al juicio and other legal terms is available here.

Translate Pre-Trial Detention from English to Spanish

Translation of Pre-Trial Detention , with examples. More about free online translation into Spanish of Prisión preventiva and other legal terms is available here.

Translate Pre-Trial Motions from English to Spanish

Translation of Pre-Trial Motions , with examples. More about free online translation into Spanish of Pedimentos preliminares al juicio and other legal terms is available here.

Translate Pre-Trial Release from English to Spanish

Translation of Pre-Trial Release, with examples. More about free online translation into Spanish of Libertad provisional and other legal terms is available here.

Translate Pre-Trial Release Coordinator from English to Spanish

Translation of Pre-Trial Release Coordinator , with examples. More about free online translation into Spanish of Coordinador de libertad provisional and other legal terms is available here.

Translate Pre-Trial Services from English to Spanish

Translation of Pre-Trial Services , with examples. More about free online translation into Spanish of Servicios previos al juicio and other legal terms is available here.


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What is Pre-Trial?

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Meaning of Pre-trial in Spanish

Description/ translation of pre-trial into Spanish: fase preparatoria (del juicio o de la vista oral), diligencias preparatorias antes del juicio oral (el núcleo esencial de esta fase es la audiencia preliminar a la que se añade en el derecho norteamericano la intervención del Gran Jurado; se desaconseja emplear como equivalencia “instrucción”, “fase sumarial u otras análogas profundamente diferentes por su contenido y procedimiento); pre-trial release: libertad bajo fianza; pre-trial conference: (in the law of the United States/ en el derecho de los Estados Unidos) arreglo/ transacción fuera de estrados (posibilidad que tienen las partes en el proceso penal de negociar la conformidad), reunión con la que termina la fase preparatoria en la que el órgano juzgador y las partes establecen una especie de secuencia de actuaciones, con objeto de agilizar el juicio oral; pre-trial hearing (= pre-trial review): (SUG) audiencia preparatoria (la que celebra el juez con las partes para determinar si la causa está madura para ser juzgada); pre-trial motions: objeciones/ cuestiones preliminares (que deben ser resueltas antes de comenzar el juicio; hasta cierto punto análogas a las “cuestiones de previo pronunciamiento” del derecho español); pre-trial proceedings: (SUG) fase de inculpación, fase preparatoria (conjunto de actuaciones que tienen por objeto determinar si existe base suficiente para juzgar al encausado)[1]

Note: for more information on related terms and on the area of law where pre-trial belongs (criminal procedure law), in Spanish, see here.

Notes and References

  1. Translation of Pre-trial published by Antonio Peñaranda





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