Search results for: “spain”

  • Melilla

    Hierarchical Display of Melilla Geography > Regions of EU Member States > Regions of SpainPolitics > Executive power and public service > Regional and local authorities > Territorial enclaveGeography > Africa > North Africa Meaning of Melilla Overview and more information about Melilla […]

  • European Community

    European Community in Law EnforcementMain Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of European Community.ResourcesSee AlsoLaw Enforcement Officer Policeman Law Enforcement Agency Further Reading European […]

  • Community of Valencia

    Hierarchical Display of Community of Valencia Geography > Regions of EU Member States > Regions of Spain Meaning of Community of Valencia Overview and more information about Community of Valencia For a more comprehensive understanding of Community of Valencia, see in the general part of […]

  • Aragon

    Hierarchical Display of Aragon Geography > Regions of EU Member States > Regions of Spain Meaning of Aragon Overview and more information about Aragon For a more comprehensive understanding of Aragon, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”] Resources […]

  • Basque Country

    Hierarchical Display of Basque Country Geography > Regions of EU Member States > Regions of Spain Meaning of Basque Country Overview and more information about Basque Country For a more comprehensive understanding of Basque Country, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs […]

  • Discount Store

    Hierarchical Display of Discount store Trade > Distributive trades > Distributive trades > Retail trade > Integrated trade Meaning of Discount store Overview and more information about Discount store For a more comprehensive understanding of Discount store, see in the general part of the […]

  • Annex I Countries

    Annex I countries in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, a definition of this issue is as follows: so named after their inclusion in Annex I of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. They are Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech […]

  • Annex I Countries

    Annex I countries in Global Commerce Policy In this regard, a definition of this issue is as follows: so named after their inclusion in Annex I of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. They are Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech […]

  • Trade Marks

    Concept of Community trade marks An introductory definition of community trade marks in relation to the European Union law and policies is available here: Since 1994 trade marks throughout the European Economic Area can be protected by registration with the Office for Harmonisation in […]

  • Caballeria

    In Spanish law. A portion of spoils taken or lands conquered in a war, granted to a horse soldier. Diet. Span. Acad.; 12 Pet. (U.S.) 444, note. A quantity of land, varying in extent in different provinces. In those parts of the United States which formerly belonged to Spain, it is a lot […]

  • Enlargement

    Increasing an estate, e.g., when a base fee becomes united with the reversion or remainder in fee, the base fee is enlarged to the fee-simple…

  • Enlargement

    Increasing an estate, e.g., when a base fee becomes united with the reversion or remainder in fee, the base fee is enlarged to the fee-simple…

  • Fuero

    In Spanish law. Compilations or general codes of law. The usages and customs which, in the course of time, had acquired the force of unwritten law. Letters of privilege and exemption from payment of certain taxes, etc. Charters granted to cities or towns on condition of their paying […]

  • Vellon


    Meaning of Rial of Plate and Rial of Vellon in the Past Denominations of money of Spain (see more about this legal system). Developments In the ad valorem duty upon goods, etc., the former are computed at ten cents and the latter at five cents each. Act of March 2, 1799, s. 61, 1 Story’s…

  • Vellon


    Meaning of Rial of Plate and Rial of Vellon in the Past Denominations of money of Spain (see more about this legal system). Developments In the ad valorem duty upon goods, etc., the former are computed at ten cents and the latter at five cents each. Act of March 2, 1799, s. 61, 1 Story’s…