Tag: OD

  • Odeum

    Grammar This term is a noun. Etimology of Odeum (You may find odeum at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms). concert hall, c. 1600, from Latin odeum, from Greek odeion, the name of a public building in Athens designed for musical performances, from oide […]

  • Odontology

    Odontology in Law EnforcementMain Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of odontology.ResourcesSee AlsoLaw Enforcement Officer Police Law Enforcement Agency Further Reading odontology in A Dictionary of […]

  • Odontologist

    Odontologist in Law EnforcementMain Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of odontologist.ResourcesSee AlsoLaw Enforcement Officer Police Law Enforcement Agency Further Reading odontologist in A Dictionary […]

  • Odd Lot Dealer

    A broker who combines odd lots of securities from multiple buy or sell orders into round lots and executes transactions in those round lots….

  • Odium

    Hatred and dislike. Ill feeling towards a person.

  • Odious

    adjectiveabject abominable accursed annoying base beasth blameworthy coarse confounded contemptible corrupt cursed damnable despicable detestable diabolic <li…

  • Odious

    adjectiveabject abominable accursed annoying base beasth blameworthy coarse confounded contemptible corrupt cursed damnable despicable detestable diabolic <li…

  • Odd Lot

    A trading order for less than 100 shares of stock. Compare round lot….

  • Odd Lot Doctrine

    In the context of disability insurance, the doctrine is that although a worker can be physically capable of performing some work, because of lack of skills and intelligence and because of advanced age it is as a practical matter impossible for him to find suitable work; in such situations, […]