Tag: Absolute

  • Absolute Right

    A right may be called absolute merely to distinguish it from one which is relative, or contingent, or not yet finally vested. See absolute. But there is another, further meaning of absolute right in which absolute almost means natural (in the […]

  • Absolute Right

    A right may be called absolute merely to distinguish it from one which is relative, or contingent, or not yet finally vested. See absolute. But there is another, further meaning of absolute right in which absolute almost means natural (in the […]

  • Absolute Privilege

    In a libel action an absolute privilege provides immunity to the defendant irrespective of his purpose, motive or reasonableness of his conduct while qualified privilege is conditional upon absence of malice and cannot be lost by abuse

  • Absolute Privilege

    In a libel action an absolute privilege provides immunity to the defendant irrespective of his purpose, motive or reasonableness of his conduct while qualified privilege is conditional upon absence of malice and cannot be lost by abuse

  • Absolute Discharge

    Absolute discharge in Law Enforcement Main Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of absolute discharge. Meaning of Absolute Discharge in Spanish Description/ translation of absolute discharge into Spanish: […]

  • Absolute Title

    This cannot exist at the same time in different persons or in different governments. To be absolute it must be exclusive, or, at least, excluse all others not compatible with it. Johnson v. M’Intosh, 6 Wheat. 588 (1823), Marshall, Chief Justice….

  • Absolute Leasehold Title

    ResourcesSee AlsoSee absolute title.