Concept of Recording in the context of Real Property
A short definition of Recording: Filing documents affecting real property as a matter of public record, giving notice to future purchasers, creditors, or other interested parties. Recording is controlled by statute and usually requires the witnessing and notarizing of an instrument to be recorded.
Concept of Recording in the context of Real Property
A short definition of Recording: Filing documents affecting real property as a matter of public record, giving notice to future purchasers, creditors, or other interested parties. Recording is controlled by statute and usually requires the witnessing and notarizing of an instrument to be recorded.
Hierarchical Display of Recording
Education And Communications > Communications > Audiovisual equipment
Education And Communications > Communications > Communications industry > Audiovisual industry
Meaning of Recording
Overview and more information about Recording
For a more comprehensive understanding of Recording, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of Recording
- Spanish: Soporte grabado
- French: Support enregistré
- German: Beschriebenes Speichermedium
- Italian: Supporto registrato
- Portuguese: Suporte gravado
- Polish: Nagranie
Thesaurus of Recording
Education And Communications > Communications > Audiovisual equipment > Recording
Education And Communications > Communications > Communications industry > Audiovisual industry > Recording
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