Medium-term Credit
Hierarchical Display of Medium-term credit
Finance > Financial institutions and credit > Credit
Finance > Financing and investment > Financing > Medium-term financing
Meaning of Medium-term credit
Overview and more information about Medium-term credit
For a more comprehensive understanding of Medium-term credit, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of Medium-term credit
- Spanish: Crédito a medio plazo
- French: Crédit à moyen terme
- German: Mittelfristiger Kredit
- Italian: Credito a medio termine
- Portuguese: Crédito a médio prazo
- Polish: Kredyt średnioterminowy
Thesaurus of Medium-term credit
Finance > Financial institutions and credit > Credit > Medium-term credit
Finance > Financing and investment > Financing > Medium-term financing > Medium-term credit
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