Iron and Steel Industry
Legal English Vocabulary: Iron and Steel Industry in Spanish
Online translation of the English legal term iron and steel industry into Spanish: industria siderúrgica (English to Spanish translation) . More about legal dictionary from english to spanish online.
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Meaning of Iron and steel industry
Overview and more information about Iron and steel industry
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Translation of Iron and steel industry
- Spanish: Industria siderúrgica
- French: Industrie sidérurgique
- German: Eisen- und Stahlindustrie
- Italian: Industria siderurgica
- Portuguese: Indústria siderúrgica
- Polish: Przemysł hutniczy
Thesaurus of Iron and steel industry
Industry > Iron, steel and other metal industries > Iron and steel industry
Industry > Iron, steel and other metal industries > Metals > Ferro-alloy > Iron and steel industry
Finance > Prices > Prices > Trigger price > Iron and steel industry
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