Cold War

Cold War

Notion of Cold War

The meaning of Cold War may be as follows: the period in world affairs from c.1947-1990, marked by ideological, economic and political hostility and competition between the US and the Soviet Union, and drawing in other powers at various levels of involvement

Definition of Cold War

The Canada social science dictionary [1] provides the following meaning of Cold War: the name given to the mutually hostile relations after the end of World War 11 in 1945 between the now fallen communist systems of Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and Asia and the world’s capitalist societies and their allies led by the United States. While this was a war of propaganda, of spying sabotage and political and economic subversion on both sides, it avoided the ‘hot war’ of direct conflict between the world’s dominant military powers. The cold war reflected the new realities of the nuclear age and the catastrophic consequences of armed super power conflict. The economic and political collapse of communism has now ended this era in international relations.

Cold War: Resources

Notes and References

  • Drislane, R., & Parkinson, G. (2016). (Concept of) Cold War. Online dictionary of the social sciences. Open University of Canada

Cold War in the National Security Context

A definition and brief description of Cold War in relation to national security is as follows:An ideological, political, economic, and military conflict primarily between the United States, United Kingdom and Western allies against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) and Soviet dominated Eastern bloc nations that began in the aftermath of World War II and ended in 1989. From the outset, the cold war was inextricably linked with the development of the atomic bomb and its use as a military deterrent.

Hierarchical Display of Cold war

International Relations > International security > International conflict
International Relations > International affairs > International affairs > East-West relations

Meaning of Cold war

Overview and more information about Cold war

For a more comprehensive understanding of Cold war, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]


Translation of Cold war

Thesaurus of Cold war

International Relations > International security > International conflict > Cold war
International Relations > International affairs > International affairs > East-West relations > Cold war

See also


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