Child Custody

Child Custody

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See Also

  • Law Dictionaries.
  • Childcare; Childhood; Children’s Rights; Divorce: Effects on Children; Divorce Mediation; Family Law; Gay Parents; Grandparents’ Rights; Guardianship; In-Law Relationships; Lesbian Parents; Stepfamilies

    Illegitimacy; Gay and Lesbian Rights; Family Law; Parent and Child.

  • Related Case Law

    troxell v. granville, 120 s. ct. 2054 (2000).

    Further Reading

    arditti, j. a. (1991). “child support noncompliance anddivorced fathers: rethinking the role of parental involvement.” journal of divorce and remarriage 14:107-120.

    bartlett, k. t. (1999). “child custody in the 21st century:how the american law institute proposes to achieve predictability and still protect the individual child’s best interests.” willamette law review 35:467-476.

    bobroff, r. (2000). “the survival of grandparent visitationstatutes.” clearinghouse review 34:284-288.

    bruch, c. s. (1988). “and how are the children? the effects of ideology and mediation in child custody lawand the children’s well-being in the united states.” international journal of law and the family 2:106-126.

    buser, p. j. (1991). “the first generation of stepchildren.”family law quarterly 25:1-18.

    chambers, d. l. (1990). “stepparents, biologic parents, and the law’s perception of ‘family’ after divorce.” in divorce reform at the crossroads, ed. s. d. sugarman and h. h. kay. new haven, ct: yale university press.

    charlow, a. (1987). “whose child is it anyway? the bestinterests of the child and other fictions.” yale law and policy review 5:267-290.

    clark, h. h., jr. (1988). the law of domestic relations in the united states, 2nd edition. st. paul, mn: west publishing.

    czapanskiy, k. (1989). “child support and visitation: rethinking the connections.” rutgers law journal 20:619-665.

    dudley, j. r. (1991). “exploring ways to get divorced fathers to comply willingly with child support agreements.” journal of divorce and remarriage 14:121-135.

    elrod, l. d. and ramsay, s. h. (2001). “high-conflictcustody cases: reforming the system for children- conference report and action plan.” family law quarterly 34:589-606.

    erlanger, h. s.; chambliss, e.; and melli, m. s. (1987).”participation and flexibility in informal processes: cautions from the divorce context.” law and society review 21:585-604.

    goldstein, j.; freud, a.; and solnit, a. j. (1979). beyond the best interests of the child, 2nd edition. new york: free press.

    More Further Reading

    grillo, t. (1991). “the mediation alternative: process dangers for women.” yale law journal 100:1545-1610.

    kelly, j. b., and lamb, h. e. (2000). “using child development research to make appropriate custody and access decisions for young children.” family and conciliation courts review 38:297-311.

    maccoby, e. e.; buchanan, c. m.; mnookin, r. h.; anddornbusch, s. m. (1993). “postdivorce roles of mothers and fathers in the lives of their children.” journal of family psychology 7:24-38.

    maccoby, e. e., and mnookin, r. h. (1993). dividing thechild. cambridge: harvard university press.

    melli, m. s. (1993). “toward a restructuring of custodydecision making at divorce: an alternative approach to the best interests of the child.” in parenthood inmodern society, ed. j. m. eekelaar and p. sarcevic. dordrecht, netherlands: martinus nijhoff.

    melli, m. s.; brown, p. r.; and cancian, m. (1997). “childcustody in a changing world: a study of postdivorce arrangements in wisconsin.” university of illinois law review 1997:773-800.

    milne, a., and folberg, j. (1988). “the theory and practice of divorce mediation: an overview.” in divorce mediation, ed. j. folberg and a. milne. new york: guilford.

    mnookin, r. h. (1975). “child custody adjudication: judicial functions in the face of indeterminacy.” law and contemporary problems 39:226-293.

    mnookin, r. h., and kornhauser, l. (1979). “bargaining in the shadow of the law: the case of divorce.” yale law journal 88:950-997.

    pearson, j., and thoennes, n. (1988). “divorce mediationresults.” in divorce mediation, ed. j. folberg and a. milne. new york: guilford.

    sapone, a. i. (2000). “children as pawns in their parents’fight for control: the failure of the united states to protect against international child abduction.” women’s rights reporter 21:129-138.

    schepard, a. (1985). “taking children seriously: promoting cooperative custody after divorce.” texas law review 64:687-788.

    Child Custody, Sexual Behaviour and the Law

    Child Custody

    See Also

    Child Support; Divorce

    Further Reading





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