
Legal Definition and Related Resources of Between

Meaning of Between

Intervening time, space, position or relation ; as in the alleyway between the two houses; the offense was committed between the 11th of March and the 13th of March; the fiduciary relationship between an attorney and his client ; etc. Frequently, the term denotes among or the division and distribution of two or more persons, as the clause in a will directing the division and distribution of the rest and residue of the estate in equal shares between my children, John, William, Susan and Mary. The general rule is that use of the word between in designating a period of time bonded by two specified dates excludes both terminal dates. state v Johnson, 275 So. 405.

Between Alternative Definition

A grant of land lying between two named lots would not emlsrace either of the named lots. 14 111. 333. When the word “between” is used with reference to a period of time bounded by two other specified periods of time, such as between two days named, the days or other periods of time named as boundaries are excluded. 14 111. 333; 87 111. App. 298; 76 111. App. 318. The word “between,” when used in reference to two named boundaries of space, excludes both the boundaries named. 87 111. App. 298

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What does Between mean in American Law?

The definition of Between in the law of the United States, as defined by the lexicographer Arthur Leff in his legal dictionary is:

Properly used, in the space separating, or distributed to, two other things, as in “He was standing between Harry and Abe,” and “He divided his estate between Harry and Abe.” But it is very common for between to be used where among would be the proper term, i.e., with respect to more than two entities. Thus courts will read between to mean among when the context makes that sensible, e.g., “I divide my estate between my three brothers.”

Also, when an act is to be done “between” two dates, it is generally held that it must be done before the start of the second date. But if a statute attaches status to an age range, e.g., “between seven and twelve years of age,” the subject has that status from his seventh birthday until his thirteenth.


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This definition of Between Is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . This definition needs to be proofread..

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