
Legal Definition and Related Resources of Baron

Meaning of Baron

A general titl& of nobility (1 Bl. Comm. 398) ; a particular title of nobility, next to that of viscount; a judge of the exchequer (Cowell; 1 Bl. Comm. 44). A husband. In this sense it occurs in the phrase baron et feme, husband and wife (1 Bl. Comm. 432), and this is the oply sense in which it is used in the American law, and even in this sense it is now but seldom found. A freeman. Especially applied to the inhabitants of the Cinque Ports, Romney, Sandwich, Hastings, Rotherhithe, and Dover, and the two latterly constituted ports of Winchelsea and Rye. It has essentially the same meanings as bar a (q.v.)

What does Baron mean in American Law?

The definition of Baron in the law of the United States, as defined by the lexicographer Arthur Leff in his legal dictionary is:

While at an early time most likely a word meaning nothing more particularized than “man” or “free man” (see baro; baron et feme), and while in some contexts used to stand for the English nobility generally, i.e., those who held their estates directly of the King (e.g., the “barons” who cornered King John and screwed Magna Charta out of him), at present the term primarily describes a particular rank (the lowest) of English noblemen. “Baron” was also the title of the judges in the English Court of Exchequer.


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This definition of Baron Is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . This entry needs to be proofread.

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Baron in the Dictionary of Law consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases and Maxims

L.L. baro, varo: Latin vir, a man – Webster. German bar, a man: beran, to carry – Skeat. The man – one able to bear arms; one bound to render service to the king. 1 Bl. Com. 398-99. A lord; a husband.

Note: This legal definition of Baron in the Dictionary of Law (English and American Jurisprudence) is from 1893.

Concept of “Baro, baron “

Traditional meaning of baron in the French law history (with some legal use in England and the United States in the XIX Century) [1]: (in French) A freeman; a baron. Baron et feme: husband and wife; see 1st Book (“The Rights of Persons”), Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England 442. Court Baron; see the entry on types of courts, 11, 34.


Notes and References

  1. Based on A Concise Law Dictionary of Words, Phrases and Maxims, “Baron”, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1911, United States. It is also called the Stimson’s Law dictionary. This term and/or definition may be absolete.

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