Legal Definition and Related Resources of Adverse
Meaning of Adverse
Opposed; contrary; having opposing interests.
Synonyms of Adverse
(Hostile), adjective
- antagonistic
- antagonistical
- deprecatory
- disagreeable
- discordant
- disinclined
- disobedient
- dissuasive
- fractious
- inauspicious
- indisposed
- infensus
- inimical
- intolerant
- opposed
- recalcitrant
- renitent
- repugnant
- resistive
- restive
- uncooperative
- unfriendly
- unpropi tious
- unreconciled
- untoward
- unwilling Associated Concepts: adverse claim
- adverse effect
- adverse enjoyment of property
- adverse interest
- adverse possession
- adverse use
- adverse user
- adverse witness
- foreign phrases: Longapossessio paritjuspossidendi
- et tollit actionem vero domino
- Long possession creates the right of possession
- and ripens into a right of action against the real owner
(Negative), adjective
- afflictive
- calamitous
- catastrophic
- corrosive
- deleterious
- destructive
- detrimental
- dire
- disadvantageous
- disastrous
- disserviceable
- dreadful
- harmful
- hurtful
- injurious
- insalubrious
- malefic
- maleficient
- prejudicial
- ruinous
- scatheful
- unadvisable
- unfavorable
- unfortunate
- Associated Concepts: adverse determination of the court
- adverse effect
- adverse holding of the court
- adverse interest
(Opposite), adjective
- adversus
- antipodal
- antipodean
- antithetical
- antony mous
- at variance
- conflicting
- conflicdve
- contradictory
- contradistinct
- contrapositive
- contrariant
- contrarious
- contrarius
- contrary
- contrastable
- converse
- counter
- counteractive
- diametrically opposite
- inverse
- irreconcilable
- obverse
- reverse Associated Concepts: adverse action
- adverse party
Related Entries of Adverse in the Encyclopedia of Law Project
Browse or run a search for Adverse in the American Encyclopedia of Law, the Asian Encyclopedia of Law, the European Encyclopedia of Law, the UK Encyclopedia of Law or the Latin American and Spanish Encyclopedia of Law.
Adverse in Historical Law
You might be interested in the historical meaning of this term. Browse or search for Adverse in Historical Law in the Encyclopedia of Law.
Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms
Search for legal acronyms and/or abbreviations containing Adverse in the Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms Dictionary.
Related Legal Terms
You might be also interested in these legal terms:
Mentioned in these terms
Adverse Parties, Adverse Witness, Against Interest, Appellee, Betting, Collateral Matter, Complaint, Contentious, Cross-examination, Discovery, Doubtful Title, Encumbrance, Ex Parte, Hostile Witness, Implied Trust, Interruption, Judgment In Rem, Judgment Lien, Judicial Confession, Justiciable, Lost Grant, Outstanding, Overdraft, Possessory Title, Rebuttal, Repugnancy, Sale At Arms Lenqth, Secondary Evidence, Standing, Tacking.
What does Adverse mean in American Law?
The definition of Adverse in the law of the United States, as defined by the lexicographer Arthur Leff in his legal dictionary is:
An adjective which in most legal contexts means against, contrary to, in conflict with. But special connotations arise in particular legal contexts, and the terms below which begin with “adverse” should be individually consulted.
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