ACP Countries
Hierarchical Display of ACP countries
Geography > Economic geography
European Union > European construction > EU relations > Joint body (EU) > ACP-EU institution
European Union > European construction > EU relations > Agreement (EU) > Association agreement (EU) > ACP-EU Convention
European Union > European construction > EU relations > AAMS countries
Trade > International trade > Trade relations > Protocol on sugar
International Organisations > Extra-European organisations > American organisation > Cariforum
Meaning of ACP countries
Overview and more information about ACP countries
For a more comprehensive understanding of ACP countries, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of ACP countries
- Spanish: Países ACP
- French: Pays ACP
- German: AKP-Staaten
- Italian: Paesi membri ACP
- Portuguese: Países ACP
- Polish: Kraje AKP
Thesaurus of ACP countries
Geography > Economic geography > ACP countries
European Union > European construction > EU relations > Joint body (EU) > ACP-EU institution > ACP countries
European Union > European construction > EU relations > Agreement (EU) > Association agreement (EU) > ACP-EU Convention > ACP countries
European Union > European construction > EU relations > AAMS countries > ACP countries
Trade > International trade > Trade relations > Protocol on sugar > ACP countries
International Organisations > Extra-European organisations > American organisation > Cariforum > ACP countries
See also
- ACP-EU institution
- ACP-EU Committee of Ambassadors
- ACP-EU Joint Committee
- ACP-EU Council of Ministers
- ACP-EU Joint Assembly
- ACP-EU Convention
- Protocol on sugar
- Niger
- Benin
- Dominica
- Surinam
- Equatorial Guinea
- Gambia
- Botswana
- Belize
- Togo
- Namibia
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Côte d’Ivoire
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Saint Lucia
- Barbados
- Grenada
- Ethiopia
- Bahamas
- Papua New Guinea
- Mozambique
- Fiji
- Guinea
- Mauritania
- Vanuatu
- Haiti
- Guyana
- Jamaica
- Cuba
- São Tomé and Príncipe
- Sudan
- Somalia
- Mali
- Zimbabwe
- Cook Islands
- Cape Verde
- Samoa
- Nigeria
- Lesotho
- Nauru
- Rwanda
- Gabon
- Cameroon
- Chad
- Angola
- Congo
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Central African Republic
- Ghana
- Kiribati
- Palau
- Uganda
- Tonga
- East Timor
- Tanzania
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Zambia
- Niue
- Guinea-Bissau
- South Africa
- Sierra Leone
- Senegal
- Eritrea
- Kenya
- Comoros
- Liberia
- Burundi
- Seychelles
- Mauritius
- Marshall Islands
- Swaziland
- Djibouti
- Solomon Islands
- Burkina Faso
- Tuvalu
- Dominican Republic
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