Ability to Pay

Ability To Pay

Meaning of Ability To Pay in the United States Tax System

This concept states that tax rates should vary according to different levels of wealth (assets such as real estate, vehicles, shares, bonds and savings accounts) or different levels of income (such as salaries, interests and dividends). The progressive income tax is an example of this concept.

Popular U.S. Tax Words

What does Ability to pay mean in American Law?

The definition of Ability to pay in the law of the United States, as defined by the lexicographer Arthur Leff in his legal dictionary is:

ability to pay [debts]

See ability; insolvency.


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United States Tax Concept of Ability to Pay

Ability to Pay is a principle of taxation. Different taxpayers ability to pay differs vastly. Generally a taxpayer with less ability to pay pays less tax, because his/her amount of income (wages, interests, profits) and assets (houses, cars, stocks, savings accounts) are less than other taxpayers. Individuals who earn more income pay more tax, not because they use more government goods and services but because taxpayers who earn more have the ability to pay more. Our progressive tax, or higher tax rates for people with higher incomes, is based on this principle.

Meaning of Ability to Pay in Spanish

Description/ translation of ability to pay into Spanish: poseer medios suficientes (para contratar a un abogado)[1]

Note: for more information on related terms and on the area of law where ability to pay belongs (criminal procedure law), in Spanish, see here.

Notes and References

  1. Translation of Ability to Pay published by Antonio Peñaranda






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