Search results for: “grand est”

  • Grand Est

    Hierarchical Display of Grand Est Geography > Regions of EU Member States > Regions of France Meaning of Grand Est Overview and more information about Grand Est For a more comprehensive understanding of Grand Est, see in the general part of the online platform.[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”] […]

  • Grand Jury Investigation

    Grand Jury Investigation

    What is Grand Jury Investigation? A definition of grand jury investigation is: Investigations conducted by a grand jury into possible wrongdoing. More details on the Encyclopedia. Generally, such are conducted under the aegis of the prosecuting official and they may or may not result in […]

  • Grandfather Clause

    Grandfather Clause

    Grandfather Clause…

  • Grand Coutumier

    Grand Coutumier

    Two collections of laws bore this title. One, also called the Coutumier of France, is a collection of the customs, usages, and forms of practice which had been used from time immemorial in France; the other, called the Coutumier de Normandie (which, indeed, with […]

  • Grand Coutumier

    Grand Coutumier

    Two collections of laws bore this title. One, also called the Coutumier of France, is a collection of the customs, usages, and forms of practice which had been used from time immemorial in France; the other, called the Coutumier de Normandie (which, indeed, with […]

  • Grand Jury

    Meaning of Grand Jury in Spanish Description/ translation of grand jury into Spanish: Gran Jurado; (el nombre deriva de su composición -20 miembros- más amplia que los 12 que integran el jurado juzgador)[1] Note: for more information on related terms and on the area of law […]

  • Grandchildren

    The word when used in a will has the primary meaning of descendants the second degree. Grandchild means the child of a son or daughter.

  • Testimony


    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Testimony Meaning of Testimony In technical sense, the term denotes evidence given orally under oath or by means of affidavits or depositions in a court or judicial proceeding . However, the term has […]

  • Testimony


    Legal Definition and Related Resources of Testimony Meaning of Testimony In technical sense, the term denotes evidence given orally under oath or by means of affidavits or depositions in a court or judicial proceeding . However, the term has […]

  • Patria Potestas

    (Lat.) In civil law. The paternal power; the authority which the law vests in the father over the persons and property of his legitimate children. One of the effects of marriage is the paternal authority over the children born in wedlock. In the early period of the Roman history, the […]

  • Patria Potestas

    (Lat.) In civil law. The paternal power; the authority which the law vests in the father over the persons and property of his legitimate children. One of the effects of marriage is the paternal authority over the children born in wedlock. In the early period of the Roman history, the […]

  • Incest

    Sexual intercourse between persons so nearly related that for that reason they could not enter into a valid marriage. Most States have by statute made incest a crime .

  • Grandiose

    adjectiveaffected boastful bombastic enormous exorbitant flamboyant flashy flaunting fustian grandiloquent highsounding huge immense inflated lofty magnil…

  • Mutuality Of Estoppel

    The doctrine of mutuality of estoppel is that a prior judgment cannot be invoked by a litigant as a bar to a legal proceeding unless he would have been bound or prejudiced by it had the prior judgment gone the other way. See People v LeGrand, 389 N.

  • Grandfather


    The father of either of one’s parents.