


This term is a noun.

Etimology of Jury

(You may find jury at the world legal encyclopedia and the etimology of more terms).

set number of persons, selected according to law and sworn to determine the facts and truth of a case or charge submitted to them and render a verdict, early 14c. (late 12c. in Anglo-Latin), from Anglo-French and Old French juree (13c.), from Medieval Latin iurata “an oath, a judicial inquest, sworn body of men,” noun use of femenine past participle of Latin iurare “to swear,” from ius (genitive iuris) “law, an oath” (see jurist). Meaning “body of persons chosen to award prizes at an exhibition” is from 1851. Grand jury attested from early 15c. in Anglo-French (le graund Jurre), literally “large,” so called with reference to the number of its members (usually 12 to 23). Jury-box is from 1729; juryman from 1570s. Figurative phrase jury is still out “no decision has been made” is from 1957.

Meaning of Jury in Spanish

Description/ translation of jury into Spanish: Jurado (el órgano colegiado); Jury trial: juicio por jurado; petit jury or (trial jury): (in the law of the United States/ en el derecho de los Estados Unidos) Jurado (el órgano colegiado enjuiciador); Grand Jury: (in the law of the United States/ en el derecho de los Estados Unidos) Gran Jurado (el integrado por 20 miembros y que examina si la acusación está suficientemente fundada para procesar al inculpado);Jury dismissal (= discharge of the Jury): disolución del Jurado; jury deadlock: bloqueo del Jurado (que se produce cuando la votación no arroja la mayoría requerida); death qualified Jury: Jurado de actitud neutral en cuanto a la pena de muerte, Jurado no hostil a la pena de muerte; non-death qualified Jury: Jurado inidóneo por hostilidad a la pena de muerte; hung Jury: Jurado bloqueado; Jury nullification power: potestad discrecional del Jurado de pronunciar la absolución (incluso cuando la ley y las pruebas revelan la culpabilidad más allá de toda duda razonable); Jury pool: lista de jurados (de la que se extrae por sorteo una lista de candidatos a jurados) (= source list); Jury foreman: portavoz del jurado; Jury instructions: instrucciones al Jurado (las que le da el presidente del tribunal al Jurado al término del juico oral acerca de la deliberación)Jury box: tribuna del Jurado; polling of the jury: votación del Jurado; jury tampering: coaccionar/ influenciar a un jurado; Jury equity: (in the law of England and Wales/ en el derecho de Inglaterra y Gales) nombre que se da en el derecho inglés al nullification power del derecho norteamericano [1]

Note: for more information on related terms and on the area of law where jury belongs (criminal procedure law), in Spanish, see here.

Notes and References

  1. Translation of Jury published by Antonio Peñaranda


See Also

  • Law Dictionaries.
  • Litigation.

    Due Process of Law; Grand Jury.

  • Further Reading

    See A. T. Vanderbilt, Judges and Jurors: Their Functions, Qualifications, and Selection (1956); P. A. Devlin, Trial by Jury (1956).

    Jury in Law Enforcement

    Main Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of jury.


    See Also

    • Law Enforcement Officer
    • Police Work
    • Law Enforcement Agency

    Further Reading

    (noun) a group of people chosen to hear the evidence of a case and give a decision

    Justice System: jury

    Jury Meaning in the U.S. Court System

    The group of local citizens selected by the court to hear the evidence in a trial and render a verdict on matters of fact. See also “grand jury.”

    Meaning of Jury in the U.S. Legal System

    Definition of Jury published by the National Association for Court Management: Persons selected according to law and sworn to inquire into and declare a verdict on matters of fact. A petit jury is an ordinary or trial jury, composed of six to 12 persons, which hears either civil or criminal cases.

    Legal Usage of Jury in English

    An European Commission document offers the following explanation about the misused of Jury:A ‘jury’ is ‘a group of, usually twelve, people sworn to deliver a true verdict according to the evidence upon a case presented in a court of law’. The term is also sometimes used in talent shows. In English, it is never used in the context of recruitment.


    ‘The audit of recruitment procedures showed that the selection of applicants invited for an interview — about 80 % of applicants are rejected at this stage — was made by only one member of the jury114.’


    selection board, selection panel.


    Further Reading

    • David Mellinkoff, “Mellinkoff’s Dictionary of American Legal Usage”, West Publishing Company, 1992
    • Bryan A. Garner, “A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage”, West Publishing Company, 1995

    Jury (Criminal Judicial Process)




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